Calvin Klein Study Case
Autor: Maryam • October 17, 2018 • 1,204 Words (5 Pages) • 718 Views
My personal view on business ethics was what is wrong and right to do within a business. It deals with human conduct in relation to what is morally correct and what is not. It is the application of values and beliefs. This includes honesty, fairness and compassion. If an individual should give back money to an individual who gives too much money or not to give back the money for example. My personal view has not changed as I believe myself as an ethical human being that does correct to the best that I could do. After reading and studying this case study and all of the negative information, I still believe that I will be purchasing from Calvin Klein. Just because of an advertisement, this did not seem to affect the business in any type of way as it still is booming. My view has changed into doing more correct within the world and in a business environment.
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Hagenbuch, D. (2015). Calvin Klein's new sexting ads are not only unethical, they may not even be effective. [online] The Conversation. Available at: [Accessed 14 Sep. 2017].
Ledbetter, C. (2015). Calvin Klein's Latest Campaign Focuses On Sexting, Discusses Threesomes. [online] Huffington Post Australia. Available at: [Accessed 14 Sep. 2017].
Nudd, T. and Nudd, T. (2015). Calvin Klein Embraces Sexting and Tinder in Racy Campaign About Digital Dating. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Sep. 2017].
Akbareian, E. (2015). Sexting is the subject of Calvin Klein's racy new ad campaign. [online] The Independent. Available at: [Accessed 14 Sep. 2017].
Jannuzzi, J. (2015). See Calvin Klein's Sextiest Ads of All Time. [online] GQ. Available at: [Accessed 14 Sep. 2017].