Stress - Cause and Effect on College Studends
Autor: Tim • December 20, 2017 • 1,523 Words (7 Pages) • 853 Views
plays a big role in a student’s life. If they have not learned to manage their time when they are younger; they will struggle trying to do it as a young adult. Students today have many tasks to balance on a day to day basis. These tasks include but are not limited to classes, tutoring sessions, research times, part/full-time jobs, children, ailing parents/spouses, health issues, and more.
As a result in poor time management as a college student; they will never develop the right skills for whatever their job is later in life. Balancing a class and work schedule is no different than balancing multiple tasks at a job. As an adult they will be expected to be at work on time and to execute whatever tasks their boss hands them by the end of a day. If they cannot learn as a student to wake up and be on time for a class, then they will be lost later on in life. Students stress with meeting deadline for projects. If they cannot manage their time and finish in a timely manner now; then they will not be able to do so in the workforce. Employers want workers that can multi-task while they work; not employees who procrastinate and only finish at the last minute.
The stress of time management can also result in long or short term health issues. The average student plans on being in college for a minimum of two years, if not longer. That is a long time to stress over deadlines, work and/or class schedules, meals, social life activities etc. Trying to fit all of those things in every day takes a toll on your health. There is no relief from the ‘flight-or-fight’ reaction as it is always present. Studies have shown that chronic stress can increase health problems such as depression, heart disease, weight gain and more (Stress Management, 2013). They also risk having a lowered immune system if they are not getting enough sleep due to staying up too late and not leaving enough time to rest or eat properly. Which can also cause other common illnesses like colds, the flue, etc. Being at campus or at home with a low immune system makes you acceptable to anything that is being passed around especially in cold and flu season. So no matter what the stress factor is; it could always turn into a chronic problem and cause health issues.
In conclusion, the causes and effects of stress on a college student is endless, affecting the economy and the people that reside in it. A lot of pressure and stress is placed on the college students. They are expected to get good grades, a good degree and a good job. The stress factors of their financial situation and their time management, or lack of, cause a broad spectrum of issues like those stated above. Health risks, financial burdens, employment issues, etc. All of these outcomes stem from college students, whether graduated or still finishing, the impacts they have on society will always be there.
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