Rabbit Proof Fence Vs I Have a Dream Vs to Kill a Mockingbird
Autor: Joshua • February 12, 2018 • 745 Words (3 Pages) • 1,055 Views
Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird does a mildly effective job at displaying the ideals of empathy and justice in communities as well as individuals in comparison to “I have a dream”. King’s speech stems from experience. Lee’s novel is a legendary piece of literature and made great change in its time and still makes a difference today. However King was involved in a war that had lasting changes that rippled throughout history while To Kill a Mockingbird does not have the same effect. Empathy and justice are explored in To Kill a Mockingbird by the use of language techniques such as the juxtaposition of the derogatory language “boy” and “nigger” unjustly directed at Tom Robinson by Mr. Gilmer during the trial. This evokes pity and sympathy from the audience. The dialogue and tone of “You felt sorry for her?” as well as the italics used and the repetition of this sentence further elicits the emotional response of sympathy from the audience. In the aftermath of Tom Robinson’s death it is evident “Tom was a dead man as soon as Mayella opened her mouth and screamed” the quote states the truth because Tom Robinson is an African American and it was perfect that Mayella would be attracted to him, knowing completely that the town would never take the word of a “negro” over the word of a white person, and so his fate was sealed. The harsh truth of this causes us to feel sympathy for Tom Robinson. Resulting from this, we are positioned to walk in other peoples shoes as a community and individuals.