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To Kill a Mockingbird Essay

Autor:   •  April 2, 2018  •  997 Words (4 Pages)  •  936 Views

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and Scout because as shown in the quote, the sewing on Jem’s pants

were crooked because Boo is not experienced in sewing, but he still put in his best effort to sew

up Jem’s pants and that’s why it shows that Boo love the kids.

When Miss Maudie’s house caught on fire, Jem, Scout, and Atticus went outside to see

the house burn away. Atticus told Jem and Scout to go in front of the Radley Place to get out of

the way of the fire. After they returned home and drank hot cocoa, Atticus noticed that Scout is

clutching on to a blanket that isn’t hers. Scout and Jem has no clue about the whereabouts of the

blanket, but Atticus knows. “Boo Radley. You were so busy looking at the fire you didn’t know

it when he put the blanket around you”(96). This shows that Boo Radley love the kids because he

gave Scout a blanket when she was outside in the cold watching the fire so that she wouldn’t get

sick. If Boo Radley cares about Scout’s health and gave her a blanket to keep her warm in the

cold weather, then it proves that Boo loves her.

At the end of the story when Jem and Scout were returning home from the schoolyard,

they discovered that someone is trailing them. Soon the person that was following them attacked,

however they got saved by someone, which turned out to be Boo Radley. “He slowly squeezed

the breath out of me. I could not move. Suddenly he was jerked backwards and flung on the

ground, almost carrying me with him”(351). “Light from our front door framed Atticus for an

instant; he ran down the steps, and together, he and the man took Jem inside”(352).The previous

quotes show that Boo Radley prevented the attacker which turned out to be Bob Ewell, from

choking Scout to death and carried Jem home because he’s badly injured. This shows that Boo

Radley love Jem and Scout so much that he would risk his life to protect them from harm. If Boo

Radley would sacrifice himself to save the kids, then there is no doubt that Boo love the kids.

In conclusion, To Kill a Mockingbird is definitely a love story. As shown in the previous

paragraphs, Boo Radley express lots of love for the children and that’s why this novel is a love



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