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Active Reading Task: Year 1 Film and Society

Autor:   •  November 10, 2017  •  1,242 Words (5 Pages)  •  954 Views

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gender difference, gender discrimination, construction of gender, relation to gender

Word forms: gendered

Synonyms: sex, sexuality

2. hierarchy: (n.) /ˈhaɪəˌrɑː(r)ki/

English meaning: a system for organizing people according to their status in a society, organization, or other group

Chinese meaning: 等级

Word forms: hierarchical, hierarchies

Sample sentence: Hegemonic masculinity ranks the first in the gender hierarchy.

Collocations: social hierarchy, hierarchy of needs, dominance hierarchy, layer into the hierarchy

Synonyms: layer

3. dominant: (adj.) /ˈdɒmɪnənt/

English meaning: more important, powerful, or successful than the other people or things of the same type

Chinese meaning: 支配的

Sample sentence: In a patriarchy society, men are dominant over women.

Word forms: dominate, dominance, dominated, dominates, domination

Collocations: dominant ideology, dominant position, dominant in language functions, overwhelmingly

Synonyms: ascendant, controlling, governing

Antonyms: subordinate, secondary

4. hegemony: (n.) /hɪˈɡeməni/

English meaning: political control or influence, especially by one country over other countries

Chinese meaning: 霸权的,支配的

Sample sentence: Hegemonic masculinity is at the top of the gender order.

Word forms: hegemonic

Collocations: ideological hegemony, hegemony of the bourgeoisie, challenge the hegemony of

5. masculinity: (n.) /ˌmæskjʊˈlɪnəti/

English meaning: the qualities that are thought to be typical of men

Chinese meaning: 男子气概

Sample sentence: Masculinity and femininity are critical parts of gender order.

Word forms: masculine

Collocations: hegemonic masculinity, black masculinity, crisis of masculinity

Synonyms: maleness

Antonyms: femininity, muliebrity

6. subordinate: (adj.) /səˈbɔː(r)dɪnət/

English meaning: having less power or authority than someone else

Chinese meaning: 从属的;次要的

Sample sentence: Women are considered to be subordinated by men.

Word forms: subordinates, subordination

Collocations: subordinate position, subordinate role, subordinate to men, inevitably subordinate

Synonyms: low-level, adjunct, secondary

Antonyms: dominant, ascendant, controlling

7. homosexual: (adj.) /ˌhəʊməʊˈsekʃuəl/

English meaning: attracted sexually to people of the same sex

Chinese meaning: 同性恋的

Sample sentence: People who have homosexual orientation are always discriminated.

Word forms: homosexuals

Collocations: homosexual relationships, homosexual couples, effeminate and homosexual, homosexual discourse

Synonyms: gay, queer, lesbian

Antonyms: heterosexual

8. patriarchy: (n.) /ˈpeɪtriˌɑː(r)ki/

English meaning: a society, system, or organization in which men have all or most of the power and influence

Chinese meaning: 父系社会

Sample sentence: Women now have more power, which is a threat to patriarchy.

Collocations: security of patriarchy, position of patriarchy, threat to patriarchy, traditional patriarchy

Synonyms: patrilineal socirty

Antonyms: matriarchy

9. femininity: (n.) /ˌfeməˈnɪnəti/

English meaning: qualities that are considered to be typical of women, for example the quality of being gentle and delicate

Chinese meaning: 柔弱性;女子本性

Sample sentence: Some women are stronger than men, which makes changes of people’s attitude towards femininity.

Word forms: femininities

Collocations: models of femininity, reflect femininity, changes towards femininity, changes towards femininity

Antonyms: masculinity

10. regime: (n.) /reɪˈʒiːm/

English meaning: a system of rules that control something

Chinese meaning: 体制

Sample sentence: Gender regime happens in smaller settings like schools and families.

Word forms: regimes

Collocations: fixed exchange rate regime, splinting regime, trade regime, treatment regime, regime of reparations

Synonyms: polity, authority


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