Studying Method
Autor: Maryam • November 28, 2017 • 2,699 Words (11 Pages) • 703 Views
The Elements of Writing
In order to communicate in an effective way, a writer should be able to create an understandable and acceptable writing. Oshima and Hongue (1999) state that good paragraph has unity and coherence. Unity means that every paragraph has one to be discussed while coherence means that every paragraph has to hold one another and the movement from one paragraph to another must be in one logical and smooth way. Moreover, Brown (2003) outlines that there are five elements of writing, such as: content, organization, vocabulary, language, and mechanical element.
Those five elements of writing should be noticed by the teacher, for while producing a good writing those major elements become obstacle faced by the students. The continued practices of writing will help the students master the way to create a good writing step by step.
Teaching Writing
In teaching writing, there are two aspects that have to be considered by the teacher, those are product of writing and process of writing. The product must be the goal of learning and the process of writing must take the students learn how to write in a right way (Biare,2011). It is supported by Nunan (2003:23) “writing is a both a process and product.” Moreover, Nunan (2003) states that in teaching writing there are four principles that need to be considered by the teacher. The first is the teacher understands the students’ reason for writing. The second is the teacher provides many opportunities for students to write. The third is the teacher makes helpful and meaningful feedback. The last is the teacher clarifies how the students’ writing will be evaluated.
Therefore, in conducting teaching writing, the teacher should understand their roles and the principles of teaching writing. All of those actions will ease the students to practice effective writing process to make a qualified writing.
Recount Text
According to Knapp (2005: 224), “Recount Text, basically it is written out to make a report about an experience of a series of related event. A recount is written out to inform an event or to entertain people.”
Constructing Written Recount Text
Boardman (2008) stated that the steps for constructing written recount text are: The First paragraph is background information about who, what, where and when. It is called orientation. The second is a record of events usually recounted in chronological order, named; event 1, event 2, event 3. The third is a personal comment and or evaluative remarks, which are interspersed throughout the record of events named evaluation. The fourth is a reorientation which “rounds off “the sequences of events or retell about what happened in the end.
Boardman (2008) the language features usually found in a recount: the first is using nouns and pronouns to identify people, animals or things involved. The second is using of past action verbs to refer to the events. The third is using of past tense to locate events in relation to speaker`s or writer`s time. The fourth is using conjunctions and time connectives to sequence of the event. The fifth is using adverb and adverbial phrases to indicate the place and the time. The last is using adjective to describe the nouns.
Feedback can be defined as input from a reader to a writer with the effect of providing information to the writer for revision. In other words, it is the comments, questions, and suggestions a reader gives a writer to produce ‘reader-based prose’ (Flower, 1979). This kind of strategy can be done in oral and written form. There are three types of feedback, verbal feedback, written feedback, and written peer feedback.
Written Peer Feedback
One of feedback that can be used by teacher in teaching writing is written peer feedback. Written peer feedback is an activity that used or done in writing class by students (pairs). Then a writer writes a text. Then both of the writer and reader, they are likely engaged in the negotiation of meaning of the writer’s text Lundstrom & Baker (2009).
Review of Related Study
Moreover, there are some studies which found that written peer feedback is useful for senior high school students. For example, Yanuarseh (2013) reported that the implementation of peer response technique in teaching writing on the eleventh grade was an appropriate technique because it increases the students’ ability in writing. While Hidayatul (2014) reported that the written peer feedback was actually appropriate way to use in teaching-learning activity in writing class, but it was not well implemented because the teacher did not know how to implement written peer feedback in teaching writing.
Both researchers show that written peer feedback has superior impact in improving students’ ability of writing.
Model Constructed
The implementation of written peer feedback in teaching writing should include writing processes, those are: planning, drafting, editing, and final version (Harmer,2012). The first activity is planning. The students should think and should plan then write down the ideas into written form related to the topics given by the teacher. The second activity is drafting. In this stage, the students have opportunity to give feedback and correction to their partner’s writing. The third activity is editing. In this stage, the students should revise their writing based on their friends’ correction, suggestion, and comment about the content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanic. The last activity is the students submit their final version of the writing to the teacher.
Then, the teacher as facilitator should help the students by walking around and come to the students that have difficulties in giving feedback. Moreover, the teacher should give written correction, suggestion, and comment to the students’ compositions. Then, discuss it with the students.
Chapter III
Research Methodology
The purpose of this chapter is to describe the method that is used by the researcher in conducting this study. It covers research design, subject of the study, data of the study, research instrument, data collection technique, and data analysis.
Research Design
The purpose of conducting this study is to describe the implementation of