Pak'nsave Swot Analysis
Autor: Sara17 • February 15, 2018 • 900 Words (4 Pages) • 2,960 Views
The potential threat is that the increase labour costs with the rising of prices and development of economy. In addition, the main competitor is other popular supermarkets in New Zealand, such as Countdown, New World. It is possible that the supermarket tax change occur will be negative impact for capital spending.
- Recommendations
4.1 Offer multiple products
Customers have more choices. It will be good step to introduce more high quality products to occupy and expand the market. When people get the chance to choose, they can share the products with friends and families to help you boost profits.
4.2 Use technology and social media
With the coming of information society, social media played a significant role in people’s life, such as Face book, Twitter. It can offer enormous benefits to grocery retail industry. PAK'nSAVEhas opportunity to advertise through pages of social media. It is useful that customers can give comments and feedback on products and services provide by supermarkets, which can get deep interest in their advertising from the products and services they choose to offer.
- Summary and conclusions
In conclusion, PAK'nSAVE is influenced by many internal and external business environmental factors. PAK'nSAVEis famous brand in the New Zealand and the New Zealand’s lowest prices can be considered as strength for the business. However, Grocery shoppers not enough product choices is a challenge for PAK'nSAVE. The key opportunity is that PAK'nSAVEhas strong resources and capabilities to expand market in local areas and customers' prefer like to online shopping. Finally, it is crucial that PAK'nSAVE face more intensive competition from other supermarkets. The increase labour costs in the market bring about risks to supermarket and increase pressure of employment.
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