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Gambling Swot Analysis

Autor:   •  December 26, 2017  •  1,047 Words (5 Pages)  •  964 Views

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One of the most common and major threats that could make or break a Casino is a bad economy. This will automatically bring the number of customers down which means that the casinos won’t be generating enough funds. An economy issue is something that casinos just have to ride out because it is nothing physically they can do to change anything at that particular moment. Another threat to some casinos would be stiff competition. Everyone knows when there’s competition in the end it’s all about whose better and who has the best of the best service. While competing with your competitor things could get hectic. Profits could be lost due to the other consumer taking business away. To extend their operations, casinos have spent more time in online casino games. Due to this new technology, slot floors are becoming completely cashless. Through a central secure computer server, the server-based games allow casino operators to make alterations to any slot machine of their choosing. Casinos are also implanting devices in their chips to increase security and track players. Since voter numbers have stretched out gambling on tribal lands that have been weeding out their competition through the country and by making it easy to get to gambling centers along the main freeways and highways. The outcomes are a persistent slump for some gambling cities and towns like in Reno, Nevada. If things go on like this, we can expect a significant effect countrywide.


Gambling, (2014, November 17), First Research, Retrieved January 25, 2015, from

Sedlak, S. (2011, August 23). Why are casinos so popular? Top 5 reasons why casinos rock! Retrieved from


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