Individualism Vs Collectivism
Autor: Tim • January 24, 2018 • 944 Words (4 Pages) • 662 Views
So against our survey,research zone asserted that "Individual can show blind obedience to authority even when it conflicts their moral conscience"
3. Asch Experiment
Next, question again majority felt that "In very obvious decision, the group pressure can’t force one to confirm to the wrong decision"
Data zone by learning through "Asch Experiment" provided some interesting insights about "Group Conformity".
75% participants gave wrong answer to at-least one obvious question by confirming to group pressure.
For further reading
In most of the cases we confirmed to group pressure even in very obvious decisions.
I heard some of you tried unsuccessful attempt for the famous elevator experiment.. :) good keep it up... :):)
4. Ringlemann Effect
Then, majority of us believed that "When group is formed – I contribute more than what I would have contributed while working alone."
Research zone by citing "Ringlemann Effect" suggested that indeed contrary to our belief - social loafing is very common phenomenon.
"The individual members of a group become increasingly less productive as the size of their group increases."
For basic reading -
For advance reading - you can go through following HBR blog.
For a video- check @
5. Abilene Paradox
Further survey reflected that some of us firmly assume that "I never do things just for sake of group if I do not intend to".
Research zone through the example of Abilene paradox explained how there we make decisions in group. Contrary to our common sense, "a group of people collectively decide on a course of action that is counter to the preferences of many (or all) of the individuals in the group.
This small write up on following blog ( not exactly research blog) would introduce you to the concept.
For very good detailed article by original author - please visit
6. Hawthorne Studies
And last some of us felt that "My behavior does not change much even when I am in group where others can observe me."
Research zone presented that all of us have "reactivity towards awareness of being observed'.
we discussed this through "Hawthorne studies". We found that even in physical conditions of low productivity,
the productivity increased due to awareness that someone is observing.
For reading
Those interested in knowing more about the experiments in social psychology - do visit @
Finally showing examples of these six experiments- I requested you to understand that
And thus - we have began our journey of these ten modules- twenty sessions to understand team and group dynamics.
This module may ( that means -- may not too) come for 1/4 weight age in mid term - specifically (beauty of group session)
Skill level needed- simple but clear understanding is sufficient. Deep information may not be needed.
Hope, you all enjoy the learning.
We will meet next week for the module on Fundamental Interpersonal Needs- Behavioral Orientation ( FIRO Assessment)
You are most welcome to ask me any doubts, send me any feedback.....
You can also come to meet me any time-any day in my office cabin except lunch break - when I will not be there..