Impromptu of a Book from the "maximum Ride" Series
Autor: Joshua • February 13, 2018 • 757 Words (4 Pages) • 671 Views
he doesn’t act like he is and doesn’t seem to mind. Whoosh. I looked at Fang, he looked at me. Tap, tap, tap , THUNK, Came from behind us.
We got up quickly ready to fight, just to see Gazzy looking confused, Angel and Total were looking at Iggy, who was sprawled on the deck. “Gazzy! You said the roof was about 50 feet below! Not like, 35!” yelled Iggy, rubbing his bruised legs while getting up. “Whoops, my bad!” said Gazzy, unsuccessfully trying to look innocent. Iggy got up and playfully forced Gazzy to the ground, wrestling with him. I watched them squash the heck out of each other. Angel and Total were watching with me. “Crazy kids.” muttered Total who was licking some dirt of his chest fur. Gross. “Hey sweetie,” I said to Angel, she looked at me, “How’s Total doing on is flying?” She gave me a quick smile and then looked at Total. “He’s doing fine,” she said getting out of the way as Iggy and Gazzy rolled around. “He’s a bit clumsy at times-.” “Hey! I have feelings you know.” He said annoyed. Gazzy looked up from under Iggy, “When do we eat?” He said. “Pizza should be here at any second.” I responded, “Remember to hide your wings and Total, don’t talk to the pizza guy, k?” He shot me a look. Ding dong. Gazzy smiled and went to get the door. Instead of the pizza guy, we found my mom and Ella. This time I smiled.
I created this as a result from needing to create a short story that would fit into the book, but not copied directly from it. Don’t know who may need it, but good luck!