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Firefly - Science Fiction Space Western Drama Television Series Analysis

Autor:   •  December 5, 2017  •  1,101 Words (5 Pages)  •  852 Views

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here which greatly contributes to firefly fitting under the category of being a science fiction.

the last characteristic that was shown clearly in firefly was "serves as a warning." in firefly everything is run by the Alliance, and if it is not, then it is illegal, like firefly. the Alliance took control over where people would live. the government cleaned up other planets and made them livable for people and then expect the people to stay cooped up on that planet for ever. like the first stop firefly makes when they pick up Shepard Book. the government making people live certain places is a direct warning to not let the government get too close because they might just take away something without you noticing. this example of making people live certain places as a warning contributes to the fact that fire fly is an all around amazing example of sci-fi because it included this detail. another example shown for a warning is the insane amount of intimidation and violation used to get the government what they desire. the Alliance directly sends a spy to look on firefly for something that the government should not have any control over. this excessive intimidation and violation being done by the government in firefly serves as a warning to the viewers to not let the government get too much power. this warning contributes to the over all great example fire fly is for a sci-fi show because, its another major characteristic of sci-fi. the last example of a warning in fire fly is used directly through River. River is an incredibly talented girl, who has been shackled by her "dream school" River’s brain is tampered with by doctors at her model school. this effects River in a horrible way, making her paranoid, and irritable, and probably less intelligent too. this is a direct warning telling the viewer to not let the government take over your mind, because then you truly loose your self. this final warning in firefly contributes a lot to making firefly a good sci-fi show, by giving the viewer another way to think and make sure they’re not being brushed around.

the television show firefly has many different characteristics contributing to its overall genre of science fiction; extrapolation, social commentary, and a served warning make firefly a true sci-fi TV show. many lessons can be obtained from watching firefly, from learning teamwork, to not letting anyone get into your head. firefly is a true science fiction show with a meaningful message and leaves the reader with new tools in their tool box on how to approach life with a clearer head.


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