Gun Control
Autor: Joshua • August 23, 2018 • 787 Words (4 Pages) • 654 Views
Out of the 50 states, 10 allow concealed carry without a permit. These states include Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Only 15 states are “no discretion ‘shall issue ‘states” (Law Center). The majority of adults who carry concealed handguns are law abiding and do not misuse their firearms. Allowing CCW (concealed carry weapons) deters crime. States that allow CCW reduced murders by 8.5 %, rapes by 5%, aggravated assaults by 7 %, and robbery by 3 % (procon).
Not just anyone can go to the store and buy a gun, and get a permit. There are standards, which the person must meet. “California, Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island require CCW permit applicants to demonstrate a good cause or a justifiable need to carry a concealed weapon” (Law Center). I do not agree with this because citizens in every state should have the automatic right to carry a concealed weapon as long as they pass a background check. A citizen shouldn’t need to present a reason as to why they want or need a concealed carry license or weapon, which is their own private belief. Those who are pro gun control should see the bigger picture. A criminal that wants to shoot will shoot whether or not they have a license. Taking away rights from those who obey the law, will not do anything except make it harder for them to protect themselves, and the people around them.
Government majorly controlling gun ownership rights is a big issue. The 2nd amendment in the constitution shouldn’t be changed over those who misuse firearms. Having ownership of a gun could potentially save the life of the owner, and public. Government should not be allowed to make the decision on whether or not gun control should go into effect. America is known for it’s freedom, so the citizens should be able to keep their rights.