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Airbus Boeing - Import and Export Situation in Bahrain

Autor:   •  February 20, 2018  •  7,089 Words (29 Pages)  •  897 Views

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Bahrain's imports come many countries. France has the big share of imports, with 20%, followed by USA (14%), the UK (8%), Saudi Arabia (7%), and Japan (5%). The heavy trade volume between Bahrain and Saudi Arabia stems from the under-sea pipeline between the two countries and the shared oilfield placed in Saudi Arabia. Bahrain usually imports machinery, manufactured items, chemical compounds and food, come from developed industrial states.

Briefly about the company:

Bruno is one of the biggest sellers of low-priced shoes in Bahrain, which it sells through its shoe stores all around Bahrain. The company, which was founded by in 2011, and its first sold stock to the public in 2012. All of the shoes from Bruno various sources were branded with the company's own trade names, which included "Sketcher’s" and “Mother Care” for children, and a number of different labels for men and women like “Gucci”, “Diesel” and “LV”. These shoes were distributed through 20 different sales regions. Since Bruno founded it is facing many problems like Damaged items, Functional defective items, Wrong items, Wrong color, Cosmetic defects, Substandard materials, substandard components, Transportation damages, substandard product packing and Sub Standard export packing.

1.2: Motivation and Objective:

Bruno wants to maintain and improve its position in the Bahrain shoes related product market. It wants to make sure that all of its imported products are well innovated and created. Bruno aims to give due to their different programs that uplift the dignity of the personnel. The company wants to maintain both its imported products standards and the rights of the personnel. However, Bruno makes sure that it maintains a good relationship with society. The company has a program that make sure that it has a good relationship with society. Finally, Bruno want to increase its popularity through importing new products so that it can increase its market and have more clients. The company wants to bring more products to its stores that will help in widening their reach.

1.3: Thesis Outline:

In this section, a brief description of each chapter is presented.

Chapter1 - Introduction – This chapter introduces the paper in general, which includes background and motivation & objectives.

Chapter2 – Literature review – This chapter includes general information about strategic management, SWOT analysis and BCG matrix.

Chapter3 – Overview of import industry in Bahrain – This chapter includes a review of Bahrain’s economy and summary of Bahrain’s import industry.

Chapter4 – SWOT analysis of Bruno Import Corporation – In this chapter there will be an overview of Bruno Import Corporation, then I’ll make an internal analysis for the company, after that I’ll make an external analysis of it, and finally this chapter will contain strategic selection and implementation suggestions.

Chapter5 – BCG matrix analysis of Bruno Import Corporation – In this chapter I’ll discuss about many different imported products then I’ll use BCG matrix to analyze them.

Chapter6 – Conclusion – This chapter contains my paper conclusion and it consist of summary of the thesis and research limitation and future research directions.

[pic 2]

Figure 1-1: The Thesis’s Overall Framework

Chapter2: Literature Reviews

2.1: Strategic Management:

Strategic Management is one of the areas of study that gained wide attention in the last three decades of the 20th century in response to the enormous pressure and environmental effects experienced by the business organizations in that era. The word strategic roots came from the Greek word "Strategos", which linked the concept plans used in battle management and arts of military confrontation, but it is then extended to the field of management thought and became a favorite of use among business organizations and other organizations interested in the analysis of their environment and to achieve the initiative and leadership in the field of activity.

The concept of strategic management has arisen due to the rapid and evolving changes in the second half of the 20th century to the business environment and the transformation of the business environment is stable to rapidly changing business environment, and because of the emergence of high competition in the business environment, and that because of the presence of environmental uncertain circumstances, and because of the need to respond to changes in attitudes Environmental faced by organizations, as well as to analyze the external environmental opportunities and threats, and to allocate organizational resources to ensure the achievement of the main objectives and goals of the organization, and then take advantage of opportunities and to avoid or minimize potential external or internal threats to the environment. It has led the attention of the pioneers and researchers administrators impact of environmental factors of the organization as a whole (political, economic, social, technical, legal, ...) to replace the business policies of the term that was prevalent at the time to what became known as the strategic management of the term due to the comprehensiveness and its ability to enable organizations to achieve their goals effectively and efficiently.

2.1.1: Definitions of strategic management:

Many writers have different definitions for strategic management, Ansoff which is one of the pioneers of management has defined it as "a perception of the organization for the expected between them and the environment relationship, so this perception explains the processes that need to be made in the long term type, and the extent to go organization, and goals that must be achieved.”

The Strickland & Thampson has defined strategic management as: "chart the future direction of the organization and the statement of objectives in the long term, and choosing the right strategic pattern to achieve this in the light of the internal and external factors and environmental variables, then the implementation of the strategy, monitoring and evaluation."

Jauch & Glueck said that strategic management is "a unified plan, interactive and comprehensive linking the strategic advantages of the company challenges


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