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International Business Planning Event

Autor:   •  December 14, 2017  •  5,014 Words (21 Pages)  •  812 Views

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In Jamaica they have a market economy. A market economy is when the consumer and business have the right to do what they want and how it’s done. The population is about 2.715 million people. Jamaica’s labor force is about 1.31 million. The main products they produce and export is sugar cane and coffee. The resources there are what we are mostly going to use. With the resources of Dunkin’ Donuts we should easily purchase enough resources at a low cost. Adding to that Jamaica is a newly industrialized country. Meaning that they have industrial equipment, resources that we need, and enough labor force to get the company started there. Mining and tourism make up most of the income Jamaica makes. Also, that’s 75% of foreign investment in Jamaica. Us as a company will not be touching the mining industry. Only the tourism industry. Accounting of that there is a well-established market of tourism in Jamaica making it easier for us not having to start a new market we will just add on to the market established.

Description of laws affecting the product and/or service

- U.S. Labor laws

- Fair Labor Standards Act

- Establishes the minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards in the private sector while also in the Federal, State, and local government.

- National Labor Relations Act

- Protects the rights of employees and employers, encouraging collective bargaining, and enforcing restrictions on the private sector’s labor and management practices

- Civil Rights Act of 1964

- Outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex. or national origin

- Occupational Safety

- the area that covers the concerned with the safety, health, and welfare of people engaged in work or employment

- Health Act

- All medical care would be paid by the government

- U.S. Trade Laws

- 19 U.S.C. - Customs Duties

- 22 U.S.C. - Foreign Relations and Intercourse

- 15 U.S.C., Chapter 4 - China Trade

- 18 U.S.C., Chapter 27 - Customs Crimes

- 15 U.S.C. §§ 61-66 - Promotion of Export Trade by the FTC

- 15 U.S.C. § 46(h) - Investigation of Foreign Trade Conditions by the FTC

- 12 U.S.C., Chapter 40 - International Bank Lending

- 12 U.S.C., Chapter 32 - Foreign Banks in Domestic Markets

- 12 U.S.C., Chapter 6A - Export/Import Bank of the United States

- 12 U.S.C., Chapter 6 - Foreign Banking

- Most of the country's income comes in from western money

- Jamaica has the highest minimum wage out of any developing country

- “Jamaica does not seem to have sufficient domestic capital resources to maintain a modern, progressive economy with high productivity”


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By the structure of this pyramid we can predict that because of the lower part being large that the economy will grow because there will be more working people.

B. Trade Area and Cultural Analysis

Jamaica is an island in the West Indies, 90 mi (145 km) south of Cuba and 100 mi (161 km) west of Haiti. It is a little smaller than Connecticut. The island is made up of coastal lowlands, a limestone plateau, and the Blue Mountains, a group of volcanic hills, in the east. Jamaica's climate is tropical with constant warm to hot temperatures all year round, though cooler in the higher, central areas. On the coast temperatures range from 72°F and 88°F. Jamaica is a small island, but it makes up for its size with a high population density in comparison with much of the rest of the world. For every square mile of there is an average of 252 people here. In Jamaica it is black 92.1%, mixed 6.1%, East Indian 0.8%, other 0.4%, unspecified 0.7%.

Our business has a great competitive advantage over other businesses because it is a western made business. Another competitive advantage we have is that our business incorporates local pastry flavors into our menu. A disadvantage is that we will be the first of our kind into a market that may not know about us.

Market segment analysis

Our target market for our proposed business is the general public. We have no specific target market because we want to sell as many of our products as possible. The majority of the Jamaican population is between the ages of 5-25. The average salary in Jamaica is $14,040 and 30% of the people live below the poverty line. The literacy rate is 89% in Jamaica.

We plan to serve the consumer market. We plan to do this because our product is a consumer product meaning that the customer is the ultimate consumer. There is no defined competition to us because we are the only business of our kind.

People will buy our products in the city where our business will be located. Eventually we to have an app and/or website where people can take orders.

Our target market for our proposed business is the general public. We have no specific target market because we want to sell as many of our products as possible. The majority of the Jamaican population is between the ages of 5-25. The average salary in Jamaica is $14,040 and 30% of the people live below the poverty line. The literacy rate is 89% in Jamaica.

We plan to serve the consumer market. We plan to do this because our product is a consumer product meaning that the customer is the ultimate consumer. There is no defined competition to us because we are the only business of our kind.

People will buy our products in the city where our business will be located. Eventually we to have an app and/or website where people can take orders.



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