Pmo Swot Analysis
Autor: yzabbas • July 30, 2019 • Case Study • 300 Words (2 Pages) • 2,212 Views
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PMO SWOT Analysis
This is a simple SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis Matrix pre-populated with some of the questions that might help with completion of the analysis for a PMO. The template can be repurposed for other business functions using different questions.
Strengths | Weaknesses |
What do client groups most value about the PMO? What do PMs most value? What do PMO staff most value? What do executives most value? What goals/objectives are consistently met? Which business areas have the best PMO support? Which project functions have the best PMO support? What are the most common requests for PMO services? Where has the biggest PMO service improvement occurred in the last 1 – 3 years? | What do client groups least value about the PMO? What do PMs least value? What do PMO staff least value? What do executives least value? What goals/objectives are consistently missed? Which business areas have the worst/no PMO support? Which project functions have the worst PMO support? What are the most common complaints about PMO services? Where has the biggest PMO service degradation occurred in the last 1 – 3 years? |
Opportunities | Threats |
What unsupported services are requested most? Which unsupported business areas most commonly request assistance? Which project related business needs are unsupported/ incompletely supported? Which priorities are dropped due to insufficient resources? Which supported services have the most room for improvement? Which supported business areas are in need of most additional support? Which project related business needs have the largest variance from goals/objectives? What emerging PMO/project trends can the organization leverage? | Which supported services are also provided by other organizational areas (wholly or in part)? Which supported business areas have significantly reduced utilization of PMO services? What are the largest frustrations of PMO stakeholders (including staff)? Which goals/objectives have been consistently missed over the last 3 – 5 reporting periods? Are there other areas that have been asked to provide project related services? Has PMO funding declined relative to other business areas, and if so where have cuts been made? |