Pepsi-Brisk Case Study
Autor: Rachel • March 8, 2018 • 1,483 Words (6 Pages) • 646 Views
As the Primetime TV campaign cost or the no of impression that primetime TV is not given, assumptions has to be made to find the new CPM.
It is given that the company will spend a yearly budget of $6 million on advertising (page 3), and out of this $6 million 58% will be spend on television. Hence, we assume that $3.48 million (58% of 6 million) was spent on Primetime TV as the campaign cost. Expected impression of Primetime TV can also be derive at 145,000,000 impressions.
New CPM Factoring Defection Rate
Expected Impressions
Quality Impression (less: skips ads)
Total Cost
Viral Ads
8,750,000 (30%)
Primetime TV
72,500,000 (50%)
With the defection rate being factor in viral ads yields a better CPM and higher quality impression of $34.28 as compare to Primetime TV of $48. As the goal of the campaign is to have an online presence and build up a fan base it is important to factor in the defection rate.
- What does Mekanism mean by engagement? How do they attempt to increase engagement with the brand using viral ads?
Mekansim considers the engagement to be the amount of time and interaction with the branded content. Getting the target market involved and establishing a fan base with culturally relevant ads to build Brisk’s brand equity and image is aims of the campaign.
Primetime TV ads a have high actual reach as TV ads reach out to the mass targeting at larger and broader target audience but they are less engaging and influential on consumers. On the other hand, Viral ads in social media have high potential quality reach and the ads are more engaging These new social platforms are able to cultivate two-way relationship between consumer and company through contests to trigger participation, interactive features and feedbacks which traditional media like TV can never achieved. Adding on, the essential of viral ads is the ability to create a positive word-of-mouth buzz. Instead of watching ads promoted by brands, consumer were more likely to watch ads referred by their friends thus leads to a higher levels of consumer engagement with the brand.
For an advertisement to be engaging it has to go beyond giving product information or pushing a message. The advertisement has to tell and story, storytelling builds brands via engaging with human emotions and enabling consumers to share what they want within their social media networks. Stories allow companies to target their customers in a meaningful way beyond just promoting a product.
Adding on, beside a well thought storyline Mekanism reach out to a group of popular blogger and high profile digital influences to create the initial editorial buzz and spread of the campaign. Mekanism has adopted a five-step strategy to facilitate this process:
First, it tries to identify the relevant influencers by monitoring different sources of media.
Second, digital specialists from Mekanism build a relationship between individual influencers. Once the relationship is being foster, digital specialists will communicate the campaign objective to the influence and discuss about the contribution they can provide.
Third, value exchanges. Beside monetary compensation that influence will be receiving, influence will also be first hand information about the campaign and share with their followers.
Fourth, Mekanism distributes the message to influencers and ask them to mention or broadcast the content in their blogs.
Lastly, Mekanism optimizes each influencer’s role by evaluating the metrics of success.
Brisk primary goal of the whole campaign is to have an online presence and build up a online fan base through an integrated campaign that will would last far beyond Super Bowl. Given Mekanism successful track record of implementing viral ad campaigns, Mekanism strategy should be able to fulfill Brisk’s campaign objective.