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Fmg Stadium and Swot Analysis of Ot

Autor:   •  October 17, 2018  •  3,776 Words (16 Pages)  •  637 Views

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20–24 Years




25–29 Years






Hamilton City





Total people


Ethnic groups in Hamilton City

Ethnic group (1)

Hamilton City (percentage)





Pacific peoples




Middle Eastern, Latin American, African


Another ethnicity

New Zealander


Another ethnicity net


Total another ethnicity


Target market

Local Vicinity

There are 45,660 of younger generation and teenagers in the Hamilton area according to 2013 census.

Conducts and desires

People who want to have some heart throbbing adventures or who want to spend some quality some time special with their loves one are the target market for the stadium.

2.2 Customer Relationship Strategy

Customer relationship strategy is imperative for any business. Like FMG stadium could not be any different. So, a heathy relationship between customers and the stadium should be maintained. And new and effective strategies must be formulated to attract new prospects as well as retain the potential ones.

Frequent communication

A constant communication channel must be there between the customers and the service providers. A feedback mechanism must be built. These kinds of activities would help in engaging frequently with the potential as well as new prospects which will ultimately lead to brand loyalty. Several channels could be used for this purpose like: E-mail, mail, telephonic conversations, social media platforms etc.

Two-way communication

Just getting feedback from customers is not enough addressing their grievances should also be the part of the mechanism.

Media usage

FMG Stadium should use multiple media platforms for promotional purposes. Developing its Facebook page and delving into other social media platforms to cover every segment of the market.

Customer services

A dedicated staff is needed to address customer grievances. A satisfied customer is in itself a walking promotional tool.

Cultural representation

The stadium could focus on the cultural representation of the prospects so they would feel more engaged with stadium for instance a stadium already has Whatanoa gateway carved wat the entrance.

2.2.3. Branding Strategy

FMG is itself is a well renowned brand and brand is way more than just a symbol or name. It represents the customers’ perception, feeling and loyalty. People blindly trust their brands but developing a brand loyalty is no easy task.

Building a brand

Brand name

Brand name is very first step towards building a brand people should be able to relate to the brand. It should reflect their needs and wants. In the case of FMG the name is itself trustworthy so the reputation of the brand. But as stadium it should promote itself in the same manner the FMG.

Brand development

FMG stadium should develop its brand by first of beating its competition like Eden park and Seddon park. By providing better comfort facilities and rejuvenating experiences.


The stadium is owned by H3 a group in the Hamilton city council, so it would benefit from additional sponsors other than FMG. For the purpose of collecting more funds this is one of the best way to do it.


Developing a brand is an easy thing but maintaining a brand is rather an uphill climb. But even still it can be sustained by: providing better services, affordable price, convenient environment.

2.2.4. Local & Global Strategy

FMG stadium targets customer on demographic base or cultural base. Basically, speaking local and domestic customers are generic concern of the stadium. So, likely it craves for special strategy for local visitors.

Local strategy

As local demographic keeps on changing because of large number population influx from northern region of the country. The stadium has to think of it as national strategy not just for the local people. And it was never a piece of cake to do so. But despite this the FMG stadium will built it strategy as follows:

Conventional marketing

For local customers, traditional marketing methods of interviews and questionnaires can be used. And they could be very effective.

Social networking platforms



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