Learning Diary – Organizational Behaviour
Autor: Mikki • January 19, 2018 • 1,664 Words (7 Pages) • 723 Views
Before going through this course I always struggled with my poor decision making ability. I had the perception that rationality and intuition lies in two different quadrant having no connection at all. During this course I found that intuitive decision making can also be rational one, though it is considered as a least rational way. But, my perception is now more refined and I can confidently say that these there are some areas where both overlap with each other.
Earlier, in the decision making process, I used to follow a particular sequence. First define the problem and then develop the alternatives and finally jump to the best alternative. But, now I realized that I missed three important steps while making decisions. After defining the problem, one should identify the decision criteria and then allocate weights to the criteria. There is also an important step between developing the alternatives and selecting the best alternative which I always left. Evaluation of the alternatives is also important. Without evaluating it carefully one cannot be sure that which one is the best. Although it is interwoven in the last step but yet it should be treated as a separate step.
After decision making there are instances where I found that my decisions are biased or I made errors in decision making process. I often consulted my seniors to remove the biasness and error, but later on I discovered that their suggestions were also biased. Though this mystery is not completely solved but, now I am in a position to reduce this to the extent that it will not be called as a mystery any longer. There are four clearly defined steps by which one can remove the biasness and error. First step is to focus on the goals which many of us can easily do. In fact, I could only recognize this step. Other three were beyond my imagination. These three of vital importance are to seek information which contradicts oneself, never draw any conclusion out of random events and the last one talks about increasing the options.
Earlier, I was of opinion that an organization needs only hardworking and assimilative people. But, in reality organization is a subset of society and only difference is that it is more refined subset. Organization needs all kinds of people in different time and space. Assertive people contribute more when there is a need to have direct approach and need unity of command. Opposite to this is receptive people who are better in performing day to day activities unless there is a change. Open and controlled are two more personalities type which an organization needed. Open people are friendly, trusting and easy going whereas controlled people are practical and love to hear rational arguments.
When I was in my previous organization everyone knew the concept of planning, organization, leading and controlling (POLC). However, I always wonder, why some people climb the ladder of success even with average communication and human resource management skill. Are some people born with lady luck? But, Now I understood that it is not luck which helped them but they were altogether different kind of managers. The picture of successful manager that I had earlier in my mind was actually of effective manager. Now, I can clearly define what makes a manager successful and what makes someone effective. Networking is indeed the only parameter which divides them. Successful managers uses it more often and even in greater proportion than the effective managers.
It was not just another subject that we read but it was more about the view which has been transformed. Now I am in a position to predict particular behaviour of member and organization. What I saw as an exception has now become conception. In precise term, my concept of providence has been replaced by evidence.