Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management
Autor: Sharon • December 24, 2017 • 1,787 Words (8 Pages) • 774 Views
4.0 Secondary data
The secondary data is have been collected by other people since earlier. Of course, the data can be collect in any type of format such as internet survey, face to face interview and so on. The secondary data can be collect from government end year report, some organization report, magazine, article, and newspaper report and so on that have been done by someone before. Mostly the researcher are encourage start the research from the secondary data and the result of this analysis usually will decide the researcher need to do the primary research or not (Wilson, -)
The advantages of secondary data
- time and cost: straight away collect from the internet or other sources and no cost for it. It is cheaper and save time than primary data collection.
- Comprehensiveness of data: data collected by government or other officially organization is usually general and covers a large spectrum of issues. An organization can filter that data and consider which part they wanted.
Disadvantages of secondary data
- Time change: the data that collected from newspaper or magazines are not match with the current situations. It might have changing during the year, it will be risky the business plan.
- Privacy: some of the secondary data source might have the copyright by the owner, and using them without permission can lead to various legal complications.
(secondary market research: advantages and disadvantages, n.d.)
5.0 Market Research Remedy Ltd Hypermarket
5.1Secondary data
[pic 1]
The secondary data show that Malaysian more like to go hypermarket than other shop. This data clearly show that Remedy have a potential and the future growth at Malaysia to continue survival. The consumer purchase at hypermarket was between RM10000 millions to RM12000 millions. It clearly tell us the opportunity of the hypermarket can continuous growth up and the reason why open Malaysia.
By doing the research of Malaysia bank, the Maybank Malaysia can get the lower interest than other bank in Malaysia and the loan approve is up to RM5,000,000.00 (for more information please visit ). With this information, it can save time when want to loan with the bank and not need waste time to look for which bank is more valuable.
5.2Primary data
In primary data we planning to use that three type of primary data collection tool which is interview by face to face and focus group, questionnaires by email and observation by participant.
By follow the face to face interview. We will face to face to ask their suggestion and recommendation by using this following question below
- Would you like go hypermarket?
- When you will go hypermarket?
- What u hope that hypermarket have it inside?
- Imaging if hypermarket same like with shopping mall, what you expert they do for you?
- Did you think 24hours hypermarket will help in your life?
- If you purchases a lot of stuff, would you hope hypermarket help you to send to your car?
- What would you think if hypermarket can deliver your things when you purchase online with the term and condition?
In focus group, we will invite the house wife and student separate them in 4 groups each 10person. “what think will you hope when u alone at hypermarket buy daily need and what do you think if hypermarket can deliver your emergency need?” by using this question to lead them to discuss more depth.
By using the questionnaires through email, the question will be short and easy to answer. The question are below
- You go hypermarket?
- Are you always go there?
- You hope hypermarket help you send your stuff to your house?
- If got 24hours hypermarket, will you go hypermarket at midnight?
By observation through participant way to collect the data. Create a team go to other hypermarket doing sending activity to help them send their stuff to their car by free. During this activity that we can directly know is that consumer need this kind of service, they confident with us or not, is they worry about their stuff? by throwing their face and action.
6.0 Conclusion
As a conclusion, we find out the important of market research that will be affect the business success or fail. Market research is a homework need to do before we started up our business to reduce the risk to increase the successful. By using all the data, we can improve our service and product or to understand the market direction. In other word, it like when you hungry you sure will go eat, but before you eat you will go find food, after that you will find out how to eat the food.
7.0 Reference
library, B. (-, - -). British library. Retrieved from British library: http://www.bl.uk/bipc/resmark/qualquantresearch/qualquantresearch.html
Livefyre. (-, - -). Marker research. Retrieved from entrepreneur: http://www.entrepreneur.com/encyclopedia/market-research
secondary market research: advantages and disadvantages. (n.d.). Retrieved from answer 4 u: http://www.ianswer4u.com/2012/05/secondary-market-research-advantages.html#axzz3MYGpSgiI
Wilson, J. (-). Essential business research. California: Sage publiscation inc.