Analyse the Respondents Based from the Questionnaire or Survey Form
Autor: Tim • May 16, 2018 • 1,226 Words (5 Pages) • 694 Views
Hierachical Regression Analysis (Moderator)
To assess the effects of a moderating variable is using hierarchical multiple regression. In order to examine the moderation, the researchers will look at the interaction effect between independent variable and the moderator as well as whether or not such an effect is significant in predicting DV. Moderation can also be examined by using the linear regression menu item in SPSS software. It is easy to run multiple regression analysis in SPSS software for mediated regression. Firstly, have to test mediation, and it basically runs 3 separate regressions which are 2 simple regressions and 1 multiple regression analysis. The first regression is to degenerate the Mediator to IV. For the second regression is to degenerate the DV to the IV. The last regression is to degenerate DV to both the IV and Moderator.
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