Questionnaire of Programming
Autor: • August 2, 2017 • Research Paper • 1,287 Words (6 Pages) • 859 Views
ACTIVITY 1 Questionnaire of Programming (Introduction to Programming)
Description: In a word document, elaborate the following questionnaire and answer the questions basing on your own definitions or using any source of information.
a) Define the following concepts:
1.- Programming: it is methodology to do programs. During this process, the program is written according to the syntax of a programming language, it is debugged, it is implemented and it is given maintenance. The code of the programs is written by professionals known as programmers
2.- Programming language: it is the set of symbols, letters and syntax rules that controls the physical and logical behavior of a computer. It permits the programmer, among other things, to specify data that will be processed and stored on it.
3.- Program: it is the set of instructions, commands, orders or procedures written in a programming language in order that the computer can perform certain task in a quick and correct way. A quality program must have the following conditions: exact, clear, efficient and portable.
b) Answer correctly what is requested:
1. - Types of data used in a program:
Constants: data that do not change their value during the development or execution. It can be numeric and alphanumeric Numeric and alphanumeric.
Variables: data change or modify their value during the development or execution of a program; also it is the space of memory where values are stored. It can be numeric and alphanumeric
2. - Types of operators used in a program: arithmetic, comparison and logic
3. - Definition of Algorithm: it is defined as a set of ordered steps in a logic way that describe the solution of a problem, or for carrying out certain task.
4. - Definition of Flowchart: the flowchart is the graphical representation of an algorithm, is one of the programming tools that permit to visualize in general way the development of the solution of a problem.
5. - Types of Algorithms or Flowchart:
Sequential algorithms: in this type of algorithms the steps are executed or described from the begging to the end, without skipping over any line.
Conditional algorithms: in this type of algorithms there is the necessity to take decisions sin some steps due to conditions or questions that carry us to answer true or false or follow by one way or other.
Cyclic algorithms: in this type of algorithms there are actions or steps that are repeated while or until a condition is fulfilled..
NOTE: Save the document with the name of E-1 ACT-1 and follow the instructions of your teacher.
ACTIVITY 2 Arranging Pasture (Programming Process)
Description: Elaborate in a word document the following problem: Alexis Gallegos considers buying and arranging with pasture a garden that is shaped as an equilateral triangle, where one of its sides can be measured in multiples of 10 meters. How many meters of pasture does he has to buy?
a) Answer correctly what is requested:
1.- Definition of the problem: How many meters of pasture does he has to buy?
2.- Analysis of the problem:
The measure of a side
Realize the Pitagora’s theorem with the measure of the size:
Get the triangle area:
Get the triangle area
3.- Design:
2.Get the measure of a side of the triangle
3.realize the pitagora’s theorem with the measure of the side: A=)
4. Get the triangle area with the following equation:
5. get the triangle area in meters
6. End
Do the test on the Flowchart(optional)
ACTIVITY 3 Math Course (Programming Process)
Description: Elaborate in a word document the following problem: During the Math course, the student Raúl Efraín Gallegos presented three partial exams, if the general average must be equal or greater than 70, how do you know if the student approved or fail Math?
a) Answer correctly what is requested:
1.- Definition of the problem: if the student approved or failed the math course
2.- Analysis of the problem:
The Test scores of exams