Intercultural Interview
Autor: Rachel • October 31, 2018 • 823 Words (4 Pages) • 624 Views
Lastly David highly recommends seeing Kumari Chowk it is home to a virgin girl who is worshipped as the living Goddess Durga in human form. The palace he said is huge and gothic looking, lots of souvenir opportunities and people selling good authentic food.
G.) How is work in Nepal for Westerners looking to relocate? He said that it would be very difficult but not impossible. Most Westerners could find a job teaching English as there is a high demand for that and many schools. Also working with tourists at a hotel, at the airport or as a consultant may be a good option.
Part 3
A.) I would first off pack my luggage appropriately. I would not want to offend anyone by wearing indecent clothing such as a bikini, tight fitting pants or tops that would show off too much of my skin (arms, cleavage, belly). I would keep in mind while eating that they eat with their right hands and not to pass food with my left hand. I would also want to be very polite, smile a lot, use my manors, not go venturing out too far alone and be sure to sit with my feet flat on the ground and not touch people on the head.
B.) I would do this by being respectful first and foremost. I would also try to learn all I could about Nepal’s customs, beliefs and traditions. I would try to learn some words like please, thank you, greetings, good day, good afternoon, good night, sorry, hello and good bye.
C.) By being aware that we are programed by out cultures/surroundings and the more comfortable and aware we are of our own culture we can then have a better understanding for others cultures. I also feel compromise is a big step in overcoming culture shock. Be aware that there might be things you can easily adapt to and things that you just may not be able to but that is all okay and normal as long as it doesn’t offend your own personal beliefs.