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Mgb 225 - Intercultural Communication and Negotiation Skills

Autor:   •  December 7, 2017  •  1,072 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,026 Views

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For the differences, the ways to process the negotiation was different. In the simulation, in the negotiable situation, we group a team and focus to reduce the gap between our team and opponent. Therefore, they responded to us even we suggested an exorbitant suggestion. However, in the situation of my past experience, I needed to pay attention as if I suggested an exorbitant suggestion it might lead to break an opportunity of negotiation. Especially, in second simulation there were cultural distances between two parties while I did not experience any of it.



There are many things to cover, but in this reflection report, I will cover cultural distance in negotiation which was much impressed in second negotiation. In the international business, sometimes the culture could be a barrier (Principles and Tactics of Negotiation, 2007). As a result, international negotiation and performance could be influenced by culture (Fisher et al., 1991). Christopher et al (2005) stressed that the culture, especially values and norms can influence the negotiation. Also, Liu et al (2012) highlight that culture, accountability and group membership can determine not only approach to relationships in the negotiations and after, but also likely to influence and the results of negotiations.



For the future negotiation, especially with unknown cultural area, some attention must be needed. As linguistic difference, cultural different could lead the break of negotiation, pretending the opponent should be done before the negotiation. Therefore, if understanding opponent, it will be easier to put effort in planning phase. Then, finally negotiation could be more clear and favourable.


Learning Journey

In conclude, I was clerk in simulation and I was not directly participated in negotiation but I focused on recording the process of negotiation and my team’s opinion coordination. In my role, I learnt that the cultural distance between parties could be the barrier. Another lesson learned from this experience is the importance of understanding when and how to respond to high-ball/low-ball tactics to take favourable position in negotiation.



Christopher, H., Maria, P., Syed, R. (2005). Cross-Cultural Communication and Negotiation. MANA. 20 p.

Fisher R, Ury W, Patton B: Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. New York, NY, Penguin Books, 1991

Liu, W., Friedman, R., Hong, Y. Y. (2012). Culture and accountability in negotiation: Recognizing the importance of in-group relations. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 117: 221–234

Principles and Tactics of Negotiation. (2007). Journal of Oncology Practice, 3(2), 102–105. doi:10.1200/JOP.0726501


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