Importance of Paypal to Ecommerce Business in Bangladesh
Autor: Maryam • March 21, 2018 • 1,718 Words (7 Pages) • 745 Views
Limitation of the study
Due to time limitations, it is not possible to target big population. Our sample size was 43 people. Young generation was targeted population only for this research. All three generation were not considered for this research. Limited statistical approaches were applied. For analyzing, simply excel was used. Was not used any specialized software like SPSS etc. Survey data were collected though internet only due to time scarcity.
2. Research design and methods
Sample Size and Selection of sample
For this research, few segments of population were targeted. Those are: Organizations who are having ecommerce business in Bangladesh, People who are having online shopping experiences and who are doing freelancing business in Bangladesh. Some population was selected on random basis. Questionnaires were sent to targeted population on random basis and were requested to fill them up. Around 100+ questionnaires were sent but only 43 participated in the survey.
Sources of data
Many types of data are available. Types of data depends on the purpose the research. For this research, primary data was considered only. As it was business researched, actual thoughts are to be considered seriously for this research. That’s why any type of secondary data was not considered. Primary data were important while doing real time research and need to understand people thoughts in the same time.
Collection of data
Data were collected through internet only. Survey questionnaires were sent through internet (Facebook, Skype, Gmail). A Google form was set up to collect responses from people. As all data were collected and recorded though internet. Questionnaires link was shared to targeted people, People went through the link and recorded their response. All responses are counted immediately they are done after it.
Analysis of data
After collecting data all together, those were imported into excel for analyzing. Qualitative data type was in the questionnaires. Main focus was on descriptive statistics analysis while analyzing those data. All data were arranged into frequency distribution table. Once they are organized, those data were used for making different types of diagram like bar diagram, histogram etc.
Result and discussion
Data Presentation
Data Description
Importance of PayPal in Bangladesh
Total 43 respondents participated in the survey. Out of 43 respondents, 31 people strongly agree (in percentage 72.1%) to the importance of PayPal in Bangladesh. 25.6% ( 11 out of 43) respondents agree with it. 2.3% people believe in neutral. No one disagree or strongly disagree.
Consequences of PayPal to Ecommerce Business
PayPal is very important to expand ecommerce business in Bangladesh. 67.4% People understand it is very important. 32.6% People also thinks it is important. Most interestingly, no one disagree or strongly disagree.
Payment Method Preference
PayPal is the most wanted payment method where PayPal is not supported. 76.7% People agree that if PayPal arrives in Bangladesh, they will use it as a primary payment method. On the other hand, still 23.3% people will prefer using debit or credit card.
Beneficiary of PayPal
If PayPal arrives in Bangladesh, ecommerce stores and freelancing institutions will be equally benefitted 35% and general people will be benefited as well 30%.
Data Interpretation
Importance of PayPal in Bangladesh
72.1% people so the biggest part of the population feels that they need PayPal in Bangladesh and 25.6% people also agree that. So, we can say 99% , people have urge for PayPal.
Consequences of PayPal to Ecommerce Business
67.4% people voted, consequences of PayPal to Ecommerce business is very important and rest of people voted 32.6% people voted it is important. 100% voted it is very important or imported. No one voted either it is unimportant or very unimportant.
Payment Method Preference
76.7% people want to use PayPal as their primary payment method and 23.3% still want to use their debit card / credit card as their primary payment method for ecommerce payment.
Beneficiary of PayPal
In this part, we got something surprising result. 34.9% people thinks ecommerce stores and freelancing institutions will be equally benefitted. Research also suggests that general people will be benefitted as well.
Principle Finding
It has been clear that if ecommerce wants to grow fast then without PayPal we can’t think of it. It is the most used digital currency in the world. Buying and selling with PayPal online, there has some advantages. Foreign employees might be more interested for doing international trade with Bangladesh and our country will able to trade foreign products as well. That’s why for the ecommerce progress, PayPal is mandatory in Bangladesh.
4.2 Conclusion
Bangladesh govt. should take some initiatives to bring PayPal to our country. We are developing country and we are also doing well at freelancing. We are the 5th position in the Freelancing market. Online Ecommerce is a big opportunity for us. Life will be much easier. People could buy products and services online and some unemployment will be decreased. Online ecommerce will be much bigger than before. Payment flexibility will