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Water Problem in San Antonio

Autor:   •  June 6, 2018  •  1,734 Words (7 Pages)  •  696 Views

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The water system of city of San Antonio is heavily based on Edwards Aquifer. Edwards Aquifer is slowly drying out and losing its habitat. It is not bad for Texas habitat, but also people, who will be left without clean drinking water. There are several protects that being offered to protect endangered species, such as new water pipeline from different aquifers. The new pipeline project will provide water from the different aquifer, which will help Edwatds Aquifer to recharge and protect endangered species during current droughts. The new pipeline will help to save thousands of jobs and create thousands more in San Antonio, and it will reach all the parts of San Antonio such as Stone Oaks, which is previously not been cover by the Edwards Aquifer pipeline. The two new aquifers that will be used are Corrizo and Simsboro Aquifers, which proven to be drought resistant. This new pipeline will add 12 dollars on average on monthly bill, but clean drinking water is priceless. However, San Antonio Water System will propose new rates to keep water bill at the same rate or might even lower it. We as people need to take action on our hands too, we should volunteer go door to door and let people know about this issue. We need to get as much as people possible to get behind this solution that will solve the water problem in San Antonio for hundreds of years. Water is the fuel of the world, if we get this new pipeline now, it will save million lives, jobs, endangered species in the future. The Vista Ridge Pipeline will be play the main role increasing the economy and standard of living in San Antonio.

Work Cited

"Vista Ridge Pipeline - Frequently Asked Questions." SAWS: Vista Ridge Pipeline - Frequently knknkAsked Questions., Web. 31 Jan. 2017.

"Threatened and Endangered Species." TPWD: Endangered Species. Web. 31 Jan.c2017.

"Review of the Edwards Aquifer Habitat conservation plan: report 1" National Research

knknk Council. Web. 04 Feb. 2017

"Edwards Aquifer - Pumping Rights Acquisition." SAWS: Edwards Aquifer - Pumping Rights knknk Acquisition. Web. 04 Feb. 2017.

Eckhardt, Gregg. "Introduction to the Edwards Aquifer." Introduction to the Edwards Aquifer.

knknkWeb. 04 Feb. 2017.


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