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Life, Liberty and Property

Autor:   •  May 9, 2018  •  1,490 Words (6 Pages)  •  689 Views

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The United States and the former USSR are two examples of nations that have historically attempted to increase their power and influence of their economic and political ideologies while discouraging those contrary to their own. The competition between these nations has lead to some deplorable as well as defining historical moments. The fates of these nations; one an influential world power and the other nothing more then history and a warning proves the effectiveness and longevity of principles of Locke instilled in capitalism. Throughout history, the United States has been consistent and effective in the promotion of the ideological principles of capitalism while remaining a prime example of the economic efficiency and individual freedom.

The major flaw of Marx’s communist ideology lies in his misconception regarding human nature. What Marx failed to realize is the competitive nature and rationality of humans, which motivates them based on their own self-interest. In the practice of communism this has lead to the rule of tyrants like Kim Jong Il and Joseph Stalin. Stalin’s attempts to improve the USSR’s economic state increase its political influence and at the same his own power proved devastating for the nation's peoples. Without economic and social competition motivated by self-interest, Stalin had a difficult time motivating a stagnant nation prompting him to take drastic actions including adopting capitalistic traits in the means of production. As a result of Stalin’s repressive 25 years of tyranny, millions of citizens died as a result of starvation, cold and imprisonment. Though these travesties cannot be directly attributed to the beliefs of Marx they arose from his platform of beliefs.

In summary, after the in depth analysis taken into the views of Locke and Marx on man’s relationship with private property my belief in my position expressing the superior nature of the ideas put forward by Locke has only been strengthened. The predominance of Locke’s beliefs is due in part to his use appropriate identification of rational self-interest being the majority of man’s motivating factor as apposed to the common good. Marx’s failure to identify of the idea of self-interest lead him to also miss the natural productive power of competition, only seeing it’s determent to equality. The historical success and failure of nations whom embraced the ideas of Locke and Marx respectively allows one to see how the two philosopher’s theories worked in practice. Though the perspective put forward by Locke proved to be more effective in current and past civilization that is not to say the views of Marx don’t have their place, and could not serve to function in a society in which the common interest cannot be ignored if the society is to survive there by bring people together in common self interest.

Works cited:

Locke, John. Second Treatise. Lonang institute.

n.d. web. Jan 29th 2013

Marx, Karl. Estranged labour. marxists internet archive. n.d. web.

Jan 29th 2013

Marx, Karl. Critique of the Gotha Programme. marxists internet

archive. n.d. web. Jan 29th 2013

Mark Dickerson, Thomas Flanagan, Brenda O’Neil. An introduction to government

and politics, A conceptual approach .toronto. Nelson education.1964.print


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