Let’s Have a College Education and Degree
Autor: Joshua • February 22, 2018 • 1,333 Words (6 Pages) • 642 Views
have a college degree, and of course the salary for people who have college degree and not are different. Actually, college graduates will get a higher salary than students who only graduate from high school.
That is why the college education and degree is really necessary. On 2011, the American Community Survey conducted a survey about the salary of college graduates and high school graduates. Then the result was people who have bachelor’s degree earn $2.4 million on average in a 40 year lifetime, and high school graduates earn around $1.4 million in a lifetime. Other survey, conducted by www.megaessay.com says that people without college degree earn around $12.447, whereas people who have college degree can earn up to $83,089. Another survey conducted by a national report by the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (sheeo.org), high school graduate can earn $30,000 per year. Different with high school graduates, people with bachelor’s degree can earn over $50.000 per year. Those surveys prove that people who have college degree will earn more money than people who only graduates from high school. In addition, people who have a master degree also can earn more salary rather than bachelor’s degree. Then, it proves that by having higher education people will have higher salary. Even though, in the beginning, students who enter a college will spend much money, but it will be paid off after they get college degree and the education in the college.
In summary, actually, nowadays college education and degree are necessary for high school graduates, because it will give some benefits. They will get some profits like they will have a lot of experiences, easier for them to get a job, and make them earn more money. By attending college life, students also will get more knowledge for their education and after they finish their education, then they will have a title behind their name. A title itself is something important for them, because by having an education and degree make them easier to get a better career. Then, after have a better career, they can earn more money. Those money can they get because they have a high education, and the education makes them have a higher salary.
List of References:
Benefits of Earning a College Degree
Retrieved March 11, 2016 from http://www.educationcorner.com/benefit-of-earning-a-college-degree.html
How Much More Do College Graduates Earn Than Non-College Graduates?
Retrieved March 11, 2016 from http://study.com/articles/How_Much_More_Do_College_Graduates_Earn_Than_Non-College_Graduates.html
Why College Education is Important to Me
Retrieved March 11, 2016 from http://admissionwriting.com/importance-of-college-education-admission-essay-sample
Retrieved March 11, 2016 from http://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/18847.html
How Important Is a College Education?
Retrieved March 11, 2016 from http://study.com/education.html
Retrieved March 11, 2016 from http://college-education.procon.org/