Is the Media Driving Us to Conformity?
Autor: Sara17 • January 1, 2018 • 1,152 Words (5 Pages) • 723 Views
Social media and the internet have evolved as incredibly efficient ways for people to gain more knowledge. With such easy access to news and the latest trends, people are constantly able to readjust their lifestyles to conform with society[c]. However, it is just another way that people distract themselves from their real lives. Through social media platforms, people can obtain extensive information on people, especially celebrities, so they can adopt their looks and behaviors to be exactly like them. Young women and older children especially, find themselves looking to the internet for validation. People often use social media to criticize others for their differences-[d] “Almost[e] 35% of teens have been threatened online, while 1 in 5 teens has experienced cyberbullying”[2]. Teenagers are often bullied online because they don’t uphold the standards that society demands. As a result, these victims want to look and act just like everyone else so they won’t be shamed for their individuality. [f]
Today’s media has had a huge influence in changing the way we must adjust our lives to fit into the culture of our society. Advancements in technology have only heightened this issue further by immersing consumers with advertisements; making products seemingly indispensable. Average people tend to assimilate themselves to be more like glorified celebrities, following them on Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat. Younger people can not live without their electronic devices, for fear of missing the latest trend, or celebrity endorsement, or gossip. Following the herd is the way of the world today, and it doesn’t seem to ever want to slow down.
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