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A Play by the Third Year Santinig Class

Autor:   •  November 6, 2018  •  2,917 Words (12 Pages)  •  805 Views

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Body guard 1: Have you found someone already. It’s been quite some time since you have a found talent that can move a millions of people.

Mr. Coco: You don’t have to worry about that. There are millions of talented people. Its made even easier to find them with the technology nowadays.

Body guard 1: Mr. Coco 2x

Mr. Coco Santiago: What?! Now?

Body guard 1: Do you a… hear that?

- They hear Joshua singing and listen to him

- Joshua finishes singing. Mr. Coco enters the scene clapping his hands.

- A beggar looks at Mr. Coco but tries to hide

- The group of friends look at Mr. Coco

Mr. Coco Santiago: Young man, I see you have potential. I can already see you singing in front of millions of people.

- The group of friends looks at each other then they start laughing.

- The body guards try to step in but Mr. Coco tries to calm them down by saying..

Body guard: Mr. Coco2x are they insulting thee?!

Mr. Coco: Wait, wait, calm down.

How rude of me, let me introduce myself. My name is Mr. Coco Santiago.

Alex: Wait Mr. Coco Santiago. The MR. COCO SANTIAGO?!

Jason: Who the hell is Mr. Loco?

Alex: Not Mr. Loco you idiot, Mr. Coco. He is the multi-millionaire producer of limelight records. (excited voice) My name is…

- Jason butts in.

Jason: Mu… Mul.. Multi… My name is Jason de Venancio Agustin, 09956142001(or just mention your own number). (Will mention complete address.)

Body guard: Shut up! Mr. Coco is not here for you.

Mr. Coco: Young man what is your name?

Jason: My name is Jason Bue---

- Body guard 1 covers his mouth

Body guard: Isa nalang at susuntukin ko na yang bunganga mo!

Mr. Coco: Where was I, Ahh yes what is your name kid?

Joshua: Who me?

-Mr. Coco nods

Joshua: Uhm I’m Joshua Panganiban.

Mr. Coco: Joshua, do you want to become famous. If you do here is my calling card. Call me when you have you have made your decision.

- Mr. Coco and his body guards leave the scene

Alex: ( With a joking and sarcastic voice) My name is Jason Buenavent, 0995614.. HAHAHAHA

Jason: Why you?! Why not me?

Alex: Ayan kasi, puro ka hangin! I can’t believe this (excited). So Joshua tomorrow we will call him and---

Joshua: Wait you’re not serious right? I am not going to call that man up on his offer.

Jason: Well Joshua, I would gladly volunteer as tribute.

Alex: Shut the hell up Jason, its Joshua he was referring to. Joshua just give it a try. You can always decide to back out.

Joshua: Give me time to think about it.

Alex: Okay then. It’s already getting late. Wow what a day. Let’s get going then.

- The group exits the chapel but the beggar interrupts them and grabs Joshua.

Joshua: Wo.. woahh.. what are you.. let go of me..

Baliw: Wag.. Wag … wag.. di mo alam kung anong ginagawa mo!

- Jason kicks the beggar in the face

Jason: Baliw!! Bitawan mo siya! Tara na takbo na! Sira talaga yan!

Before scene 4 there will be a video clip that will be viewed. It shows Joshua Panganiban’s journey to stardom. The video begins with hi shaking hands with Mr. Coco together with his friends who look very happy. Next they are at a studio and singing in front of millions of people.


Setting: Somewhere at the studio

Alex: (looking at a picture of Josh “Rocky”Dafun) Wow, he was one of my idols back when I was in high school. I always rocked on to his songs every night. Mom did not like it though.

Joshua: Yeah, he inspired me to pursue a career in the music industry. It just sucks I never got to meet him personally.

Alex: Well you may have not met the legend but you did become one.

Jason: One day Joshua, I swear one of these days I will be more famous than you.

Alex: Well post a clip of yourself naked I bet that will make you famous real quick. I would even do the honors of posting it myself.

Jason tries to hit Alex but Alex dogdes and Joshua tries to stop them.

Joshua: Oh tama na yan. Haha kayo talaga.

Jason: Makaihi nga muna.

- Jason takes a piss

Alex: Seriously though Joshua, You promised me you would go to my birthday but you did not come. I guess that’s fine but you don’t even text us anymore.

Joshua: You knew I was busy right. I thought you already knew that.

Alex: Yes, but it wont take 3 hours just to say Hi.

Joshua: Look, Alex we already had this kind of conversation before.

Alex: Well how about now, It will be quick, lets just all go and have a burger or something.

Joshua: I cant right now we still


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