E-Mail Classes
Autor: Essays.club • August 17, 2017 • Creative Writing • 2,070 Words (9 Pages) • 915 Views
E-mail classes
Free Email
As its name refers, it is the type of mail that to take out an account does not generate any monetary expenditure. The service is offered through a web page. These emails are free of charge and only financed as an advertising medium. It has the advantage that it can be reviewed through any computer, being ideal for those who move a lot. To access the account the person should only enter the page and write their user and password if this is a member, otherwise you must join by filling in some security fields.
Online service
This is the email where the person can manage their own email account and can access the Internet through their own software. It is usually used domestically, mainly for those who do not have much technical knowledge. Examples of these services are Compuserve and AOL.
Email POP
This is an offline protocol, which requires the connection to the server to be able to review and send messages. It is not recommended for those who move a lot, since to be able to use the email is necessary a previous configuration.
IMAP4 mail server
It is a server through which the person can access his email account as if the server were a local computer. They are widely used in organizations and companies that are always connected to the Internet. Its use is recommended for those users who constantly check their email accounts from different computers. Example: Eudora, Sun Internet Mail.
This is the type of email that is based on LAN, which presents various tools for document management, calendar, corporate messaging, linked conversations, etc. It is very reliable, secure and offers varied utilities and applications. They are the emails that are most often used in medium and large companies. Example: Novell GoupWisr, Lotus, etc.
Marketing Email
These are the emails that are used to carry out advertising campaigns. Through these, certain products or services of a company are promoted. They are usually made to send promotions, discounts or catalogs of products of a certain company. These types of emails get to stimulate customers. They have stimulating and informative messages.
Notification Email
These are emails that are created with accurate data of the user, so that it notifies the day the user must make a payment, a transaction, the day of his birthday, a meeting, etc.
Transactional Email
These are the emails that are sent to the user after they have done some online action. Example of this are the emails that are sent after the person subscribes to a web page, a social group, when buying a product or sending a product online, etc.
Web mail with 2 GB capacity, multi-language interface, spam filters and viruses. Sending attachments up to 50 Mb. We are informed that it does not accept emails from Yahoo and Hotmail groups so it does not suit you if you are subscribed to any of those groups. Your address will be: tunombre@gawab.com.
2.5 GB of space (and increasing) in addition to many utilities. An account is obtained by means of invitations. Try asking me for one by leaving your current email address in the box at the bottom of this page. Your account will be tunombre@gmail.com
3 GB of space. This site can do you good if you just want to receive emails from people you want because you only enter the ones on the list that you create. Those who are not on that list receive an email in which they have to reconfirm (which excludes almost all spam). They actually tell you that you will not receive a bit of spam. Unless you authorize to receive publicity, in which case they pay you a few cents for each. Eye, to send mail via Outlook or another you have to have your own outgoing mail server (SMTP). The site is in English. Your address is as follows: tunombre@cashette.com
1 Gb capacity and attachments up to 100 Mb. Antivirus. In Spanish. Your address is like this: tunombre@pilu.com
1 GB capacity. The interesting thing is the amount of aliases or possible names for your address, that is, all in English. However you can find wonders that will provide you with, for example, an address like this: tunombre@aries.in or yourname@tetris.in. As it is a site of India you will need this: postal codes of India (you will need the state and a city of that state). The addresses are written like this: "9, II Floor, Behind Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan, Tilkwadi, Sharanpur Road". You can put the same or change the names at your whim. It is not especially difficult.
They give free mail again. 250 Mb capacity, attachments up to 20 Mb. Creation of disposable accounts to use in chats, forums without exposing your real address: tunombre@terra.es
With 50 Mb of space. Your address is as follows: tunombre@altoalmanzora.org
With 300 Mb of space. Recommendable. Your address is as follows: tunombre@argentina.com
You have 15 Mb of space and few more limitations. It is in Brazilian. Your account will be: tunombre@ig.com.br
Board of Andalusia
You have 10 Mb of space. Your account will be mailto: tunombre@interlap.com.ar. To register you need the ID, any ID ... you can actually invent one by putting 8 numbers> HERE. You add the letter that you get. The postal code can be 14001, for example.
In English. They give you 5 Gb and you can send attachments up to 20 Mb. No advertising. Your address: mailto: tunombre@myrealbox.com. Antivirus and antispam filters.
It is an Asturian digital newspaper. It offers you an email up to 1 GB capacity and configurable in Outlook or another mail program. Your address will be mailto: tunombre@narceadigital.com
It is in German (if you feel like practicing). If you venture to request the free account they will give you 1 GB of space and two email addresses. Pop and Smtp service. Look for an address in Germany (on any website of a