Leadership Essay
Autor: Sharon • October 4, 2017 • 2,223 Words (9 Pages) • 839 Views
Democratic style. It is characterized by a high degree of delegation of authority. Subordinates are actively involved in decision-making and enjoy great benefits in the performance of tasks. As a rule, the decision is made only after the discovery opinions of subordinates are discussed. Leader willingly shares his power, allows to take the initiative to develop abilities. He does everything for subordinates in order for them to understand that they have to solve most of the problems without seeking approval or assistance. Parallel to this, he creates an atmosphere of openness and trust in which the slave can always turn to the leader for help and advice, to talk about concerning issues or just to consult.
Liberal style. Subordinates are given great autonomy in work, in decision-making; leader gives only general guidelines and periodically monitors the activities of workers. This style of leadership style is also called non-interference [4; 5].
III. Manager vs. Leader
The difference between the leader and the manager depends on several criteria. An effective manager is not necessarily an effective leader, and vice versa. The manager is a person who has formal authority to control the process, while for the leader it is not required, and management that he carries out can be both regulated and informal. Based on this, we note that the same manager may combine the image of the leader and the manager, or express himself only in one of them [6].
So, there are differences between the concepts of "leader" and "manager":
- A manager is officially appointed, the leader is put forward spontaneously;
- A manager is given certain rights and obligations by law whereas the leader may not have them;
- A manager is endowed with a certain system of officially established sanctions with the help of which he can influence subordinates, these sanctions are not available for the leader;
- A manager presents his group in the field of external relations and the leader is limited in its activity mainly on the intragroup relationships level;
- A manager, unlike the leader, is responsible before the law for the state of affairs in the group.
Management and practical psychology say that for most subordinates when receiving orders from the manager there are important factors like tone, behavior manner of a manager, specific words. It is important to consider and choose roles that correspond to professionalism for each employee individually.
Each leader must be a psychologist, because the right leadership style improves the quality and efficiency of work and affects the performance of the team [6]. The behavior of the leader, his ability to manage subordinates creates a healthy climate in the team; contributes to the development of the creative initiative of workers, which ultimately gives the effect of no less productive than the automation of labor.
IV. Leadership Traits
Leadership is the process of social influence that allows one person to enlist the help and support others to achieve certain objectives. All leaders, no matter what size of the company they control, possess specific traits [4]. For example, the leader must always be confident in his decisions, regardless of the pressure that is put on him; he has to be courageous and be able to find an approach to other people.
Here are five required leadership traits, without them a leader is not a leader.
1. The leader must always have a vision. A true leader always knows what he wants to achieve. If the leader has no vision, then he has no real direction and purpose. The objective is the only thing that is able to unite a leader of followers around. If they do not know where to move, they quickly lose faith in their work, and in the leader.
2. The leader must have a plan. The presence of vision is not enough. A leader must have a clear step-by-step plan to achieve the set targets and goals. This plan serves as the roadmap, which, like a compass, determines the direction of movement at any given time. In addition, the plan (and the successful achievement of short-term goals) inspires confidence in followers and motivates them to work hard.
3. The leader should always have optimism and confidence. Effective leaders do not hesitate or doubt even for a moment that he and his team can overcome any difficulties that will be faced. His optimism should be enough not only to himself, but also to the followers. That leader’s confidence does not allow his team to give up when the company is facing difficulties, and helps out with any difficult situations head high.
4. The leader must be an expert in communications. If you have the feelings of a leader, then effective communication should be your second "Me". Thanks to theses supernatural powers of communication and feeling of others, leader breathes confidence and loyalty into his followers and is able to lead them to achievements that are not available and unreachable to others.
5. The leader must be an example of what he preaches. A true leader never asks another man to do something that he is not ready to do himself. So, it is said that the leader gives the example by him. One more important the fact is how the leader achieved his high status. If it was a natural development, accompanied by hard work and ability to overcome difficulties, then the leader would be a great example to follow.
Judging from the information given in this paper, it can be concluded that management and leadership are two different but complementary systems, each of which has its own function and characteristic activities, both are necessary components of management of any organization. Management and leadership have unifying functions and permeate all management processes in the enterprise. Methods of management of each manager have their field of application, their advantages and disadvantages, which can be determined depending on the situation in the group of workers. The art of leadership is to have specific spacious-temporal conditions and to subordinate group of workers to choose a set of administrative actions that will ensure maximum efficiency of the group.
With the rise of the knowledge worker, “one does not ‘manage’ people. The task is to lead people. And the goal is to make productive the specific strengths and knowledge of every individual.