Creating Innovative Book Retail Business Through E-Commerce - a Case Study on an Evolving Indonesian Consumer
Autor: Jannisthomas • February 15, 2019 • 4,537 Words (19 Pages) • 911 Views
However, books never changed. You can still read books the same way you did ages ago. That is the good part. Reading with e-books expands the book world. That’s the beauty of the digital era. Downloading files changes everything, because a file is just a file. Any device you have can still play that file. So, we won't have to re-buy our entire library time after time. No more waste.[pic 2][pic 3]
2.2 Customer Needs and Wants
2.2.1 Needs
The business firstly departs from primordial needs of every human which is the needs of education and knowledge. Education enlightens human life. Education demonstrates as one of the most important factors for the human civilization development. While it is a constant and lifetime process, education attributes as the most precious and permanent property of an individual. Education provides functional and effective manpower, strengthens national unity and increase public awareness. It invites positive change in human life.
Humans are natural-born curious creatures. People believe that by gaining more knowledge will improve our lives and result in positive outcomes for us as individuals and for the society. The more we know about the world we live in, the more we can utilize our resources and enhance our lives. People often believe that knowledge is power and has the ability to empower us. Through knowledge, people are able to decide what is beneficial and what is harmful and through knowledge people are able to make rational decisions.
Aside from the needs of knowledge and information, the business also departs from human needs of entertainment. People also seeking entertainment while enjoying literature such as fiction, novels, manga or comics. The stories and ideas contained in a book can open people minds and unite us with other cultures, helping us to gain a deeper understanding and respect for others. It can also expand our minds, and reach for higher levels of creativity.
2.2.2 Wants
Rationally, we know that reading is the basis of all education, and therefore an essential foundation of knowledge. Moreover, it contains even more significant aspect which is its emotional role as the starting point for individual journey of personal development and pleasure. Books also can open up emotional, imaginative and historical landscapes that equal and extend the corridors of the web. They can help create and reinforce our sense of self.
People needs education, knowledge, and also entertainment, but moreover they want to feel those aspects in the most practical and effective way, by means the best way in term of practicality and quality itself. For example, people need to buy a book, but people wants the simplicity of buying a book without spending time going to the bookstore, then carrying the book wherever they go, people want the same experience they had while they are going to the bookstore to search for their favorite books, but in a more practical way, an easier way. Also, people need to read a book, but people want to read it in the most satisfying and enjoyable situation possible, without having to carry thick 800-pages books wherever they go, and in the same time still receiving the same or even better quality of the books itself.
2.3 Value Proposition
In the big picture, value proposition of Booku can be sought as the same experience you get when you search for your favorite books in the bookstore, paying, and then carry the books with you. Second, the better experience you get when you are reading your favorite book. Both are in the fashion of “one-click-away” by means you can get it in split-second at your laptop, tablet and/or smartphone. That’s why the tagline of Booku is “Solusi Mudah Baca Buku” –the easy solution for reading books.
2.3.1 Easy & Simple
Booku provide the easiest and simplest way possible to buy and read your favorite books, and it contains of more than 1 million number of books available worldwide. Just by installing the apps on your smartphone or laptop, you can buy and download the book, and you can start reading and enjoying your favorite books right away.
2.3.2 Booku-Store
Booku also provide Booku-store as one of the sub-application, where this store is different from another online book store, because we provide the same experience when you are searching for your favorite books in the offline bookstore. We provide the fun animation and better user experience to mimic offline bookstore experience, while you can browse the sub-categories on the bookshelf. Booku-Store provide more than 300,000 collections of both Indonesian & International Books, with partnership with more than 500 local publishers and 1,000 international publishers.
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Booku-Store categories are as follow:
> Arts & Photography
> Computers & Technology
> Biographies
> Cookbooks, Food & Wine
> Business
> Crafts
> Children's Books
> Education & Teaching
> Comics & Graphic Novels
> Engineering
> History
> Health & Fitness
> Humor
> Literature & Fiction
> Law
> Medical
> Mystery & Thriller
> Politics & Social Sciences
> Religion & Spirituality
> Romance
> Science
> Science Fiction & Fantasy
> Sports
> Test Preparation
2.3.3 Booku-Reader
Booku provide