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Knowledge Management - Global Planning Solutions

Autor:   •  December 28, 2018  •  Creative Writing  •  2,459 Words (10 Pages)  •  800 Views

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Knowledge Management



In the following essay we’ll try to clear out the procedure and methodology that we followed in the making of our website that is focused on knowledge management and its roots.

Therefore this integrated product contains notices about knowledge management, problem statement, theoretical framework, methodology and conclusion. A lot of this information was a result of an internet research, as well as of own knowledge learned in class.

We hope this project has utility for people that have never heard about knowledge management and also to complement the knowledge of the persons who have already listened of this subject.



Global Planning Solutions receives the Barcelona Award for the Innovative Company in Conciliation and Time 2017

Global Planning Solutions, specialist in planning and time management, has received the Barcelona Prize for the Innovative Company in Conciliation and Time 2017 in the company category of between 10 and 50 employees.

The Risell, the ElsTresTurons foundation and the GrupAmetller Origen have also been awarded by the City of Barcelona in the sixth edition of this award, which aims to recognize, promote and disseminate the work of companies and organizations committed to improving the management of time and work, family, personal and social conciliation.

“Likewise, two special mentions have been awarded to the KIM-Knowledge Innovation Market and the UPF Barcelona School of Management Institute of Continuing Education.”

* Extract from the RRHHPress.

The jury, made up of representatives of the local administration, of the business and union sectors and of the university, cooperative and social spheres, has valued the measures that Global Planning Solutions offers its employees, such as reducing the lunch break, flexibility in the schedules of entry and exit, teleworking of personnel who live far away, have children or are in the care of family members, and their efforts to improve the conciliation of working life, as well as the clear commitment to the incorporation of female talent with the hiring of women in the IT sector.

It has also valued that the company actively participate in the XarxaNust -New Social Uses of Time-. This initiative was created in 2006 by the Barcelona City Council and is made up of companies committed to facilitating better time management and reconciliation of work, family and personal life, favoring productivity and a climate of trust that benefits both the company and to the people who work in it, and contributing to improve the quality of life of the people of the city.


A KRM model for PBOs

This article looks at a model for risk management of knowledge loss in a project-based organization (PBO). A recent study took an analytical approach and constructed a six-step integrated model that manages the risk of losing critical knowledge. The results show that, after a year of implementing the model, the job positions facing knowledge loss were reduced by 88 per cent.

The integrated knowledge management (KM) and risk management (RM) model can be used to assist the planning, establishment and evaluation of knowledge loss in projects. This helps to ensure that key issues regarding knowledge loss are covered during the planning and implementation phases of project management.

Projects and the main barriers to organizational learning

Projects are unique and impermanent activities with altering manpower that are usually short term. Project members must respond rapidly to new situations in their tasks. The uniqueness and impermanent nature of projects are the main barriers to organizational learning. This type of organizational form is learning-intensive and it has some limitations such as high rate of employee turnover that are obstacles to the acquisition of experience and knowledge gained in projects. In addition, it is easily possible for projects to become separated from one another, and this can lead to the fragmentation of an organization's knowledge and expertise.

In view of these limitations, the implementation of a process for protecting project knowledge is a necessity for organizations.

In terms of the balance-sheet, evaluation of risk is of limited use because in traditional definitions knowledge and intangible assets are unaccounted for. Losing these kinds of assets does not affect income directly but it has important effects on the organization as a dynamic concept. Nowadays, knowledge is the key resource of economy and maybe it is the only dominant resource of competitive advantage. Knowledge as an asset compared to other kinds of assets has a unique nature in which the more it is used the more its value increases.


Introducing T-Shaped Managers: Knowledge Management’s Next Generation

Despite their best efforts, most companies continue to squander what may be their greatest asset in today’s knowledge economy: the wealth of expertise, ideas, and latent insights that lies scattered across or deeply embedded in their organizations. And that’s a shame because capitalizing in those intellectual resources can help companies respond to a surprising array of challenges.

We suggest an approach called T-shaped management. It relies on a new kind of executive, one who breaks out of the traditional corporate hierarchy to share knowledge freely across the organization while remaining fiercely committed to individual business unit performance. The successful T-shaped manager must learn to live with, and ultimately thrive within, the tension created by this dual responsibility.

Effective T-shaped managers will benefit companies of almost any size, but they’re in particularly crucial in large corporations where operating units have been granted considerable autonomy.

Energy giant BP Amoco experience suggests guidelines for creating an environment in which T-shaped managers will flourish. Such guidelines are important because the benefits of T-shaped management won’t be realized if the concept is poorly implemented. A key insight: senior executives must put in place mechanisms that simultaneously promote and discipline managers’ knowledge-sharing activities.



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