Present the Key of the Future
Autor: • April 14, 2017 • Research Paper • 1,073 Words (5 Pages) • 1,151 Views
Present the Key of the Future
Imagine, that our grandsons asking us if we visited London, Buenos Aires, New York, Barcelona before those city disappeared cause by Global Warming. This is one of the possible issues, we are going to front in the future, if we don't change our present. According to the Dictionary Global Warming is “an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect”(Dictionary). Us, the present having the option to change our future to either a good future or a bad future. It won't change by a wishful thought, we have to do more than that, we have to make the difference and take action, step by step.
The one who started contributing to Global Warming were our ancestor, but they didn’t know about global Warming at that period of time. They were using Coal Burning factories and power plants, releasing Carbon Dioxide and other GreenHouses gases to the Atmosphere. At that moment it was called Industrial Revolution, this factories used machinery for mass production using steam power to make the machinery work. Producing a big black cloud covering the town. Also, these factories and power plants used rivers that were going through the city to throw away their waste, it wasn't one
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factory who practice that method they were many factories, leading to horrible consequences (Oosthoek).
In the present, some Americans don't care about Global Warming, According to Gallup “questioned 1,025 U.S. adults in early March,In 1989, 35% of the men and women surveyed said they cared a great deal about climate change, but only 32% said the same thing in 2015” (Sifferlin). I can give a testimony about how People in America misunderstood the concept of global warming, In my first summer in United States, I made some Americans friends. Often, they left every electrodomestic on when they were not on used I told them to turn everything off and help the planet, their response was that I should not worry because turning electrodomestics off will not stop Global Warming.
Nowadays we are deforesting our forest and burning fossil fuels faster than ever. The Carbon Dioxide that is in the air is causing the heat accumulated in atmosphere without escaping, making the temperature to rise.This changes in the temperature are affecting the deserts as well, According to Connor, the changes in temperature would eventually impact animal and plants that currently live in the desert, is foreseen that the expanse of the desert would increase, which is already have a quarter of the Earth. The increment of dryness on the deserts will lead to dusty storms, affecting the agriculture for a lot of people, generating economic issues and more poverty around the world (Connor).
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Another drastic situation due to the rise of temperature is that, our poles are melting according to Serreze “Scientists have used satellite pictures since 1979 to map
the extent of such ice at its minimum, and the picture this year isn't pretty. Covering 1.59 million square miles, this summer's sea ice shattered the previous record for the smallest ice cap of 2.05 million square miles in 2005—a further loss of sea ice area equivalent to the states of California and Texas combine”(Biello). For sure this is not pretty, with this severe change, it will affect somewhere in the world or even right