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Flaws of Christianity

Autor:   •  December 31, 2018  •  1,783 Words (8 Pages)  •  796 Views

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for any other nation. Many religions do not accept God’s choice of selecting the Jews, denying his very words.

The Bible teaches that you are not supposed to follow a prophet who goes against God’s word. “And it will be the man who does not listen to My words, but who speaks in My name, I will inquire from him. However, a prophet who sinfully speaks a matter in My name which I did not command to speak and he speaks in the name of other God’s, you must kill that prophet.” (Deuteronomy, 18:19-20). Jesus spoke against God’s laws attempting to change what God said. “God’s” Bible teaches that this crime is so great it deserves death. So why would the creator of all thing go back on his word? Simple, “God” never said anything. Is part of the Bible is overlooked and actually is a key flaw. The Bible says to follow all of his rules yet when his son goes against him no repercussions occur.

Another flaw is Christianity constantly puts God in a physical state. If he’s real why do you need to emphasize on his physical being? “Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.” And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink of it, all of you for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”(Matthew 26:26-28). Christianity’s practice of eating a wafer symbolizing Jesus’ body, traces itself back to primitive, cultural rites. When people study a man-made religion you find traces of man’s instinctual drives. Man-made religion reflects man’s instinctual desires and intuition of human nature. Christianity once again differs from God’s will. Why believe in something and supposedly follow him but do the complete opposite of what he says. This is a stretch or needing a physical attachment to something that isn’t in existence.

An obvious one, but still worth mentioning. In relation to a previous flaw. The concept of hell is a contradiction to the thought of a god of love. Christians come up with excuses to make god look like a good guy by blaming humans. The perception of “God” that he isn’t a bad guy even though he created a system where most of his “creation” will burn forever after death. Is it not him it us? We are bad the bad one we commit sin, we deserve what’s coming to us. God doesn’t send us to hell that he created, we send ourselves there. Really give that a thought. These are the excuses people use to justify his indecencies. The biggest flaw with the concept of hell is that it’s too simple. Any wrongdoing no matter how small you are meant for eternal torture in hell if you were to die at that moment. This is basically saying if some didn’t believe in God and someone who is a rapist according to Christianity they get the same punishment. Some Christians tell themselves that the “bad people” in the world will one day get what they deserve in hell, but fail to realize that if another person gets the same punishment for much less than justice isn’t served. Christians are blind to the fact that the Bible’s concept of hell encourages “sin”. If the punishment is always the same in the end, does it really matter what one does?

In conclusion, Christianity lies to its people, it contradicts God’s own words, it is a religion where facts are replaced by belief. I don’t want people to conform to Christianity due to its popularity, or its leaders. Many people are persuaded by the impressive churches, paintings depicting Jesus, the Church’s long history. Facts and reason teach what is false and which things cannot become true. God punished certain Jews who dressed in clothing more impressive than their brother Jews, only to project a false loyalty. So we are impressed by Christianity’s popularity, beautiful structures, and joyful songs. What is false cannot be made true no matter how much they try.


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