Structural Family Therapy
Autor: Mikki • January 30, 2018 • 1,473 Words (6 Pages) • 827 Views
In conclusion, many things can change roles in a traditional family, but as long as the family can accept its new roles they can still be a functional family. Divorce is hard on everyone because a love one is missing from the unit. As a family you must find away to fill that role. Most of the time the role is filled by someone in the family who already has a role, which makes it harder for that person because now they are asked to fill two positions. The parent knows he or she must do what they have to do to keep the family going, but when a child is asked to step into a new role, problems may occur. I feel a parent needs to be honest to the child and explain to him or her that they are needed so that they could maintain the function of the family. The parent needs to also remember that the child is still a child and needs to be one. I feel that counseling is very important in this matter as well as an good communication between the child and the parent. Same sex marriages really kicks the traditional family wall downs. In same sex marriages they tend to share their roles more which I think is great, I wish more traditional marriages would do that because I think they may function better. In every family roles are divided up, but I feel that if they are shared you will know what the other person has to deal with each day. I really don’t think its fair if one person is rearing the children while the other one brings home the money. I feel it’s a divide in the family. I hope the highly functioning family will just replace the traditional family.
Cottrell, D. & Boston, P. (2002). Practitioner Review: The effectiveness of systemic family therapy for children and adolescents Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 43(5), 573-586.
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