Key for Test 3, Drugs, Society and Behavior, Fall 2015
Autor: Maryam • October 26, 2018 • 4,783 Words (20 Pages) • 698 Views
a. Sure, if you have less brain, you are apt to have less ability to change engrained habits.
b. Doubt it, my guess is that cognitive ability is not a relevant variable in changing the habits of taking cocaine to habits sustaining not taking cocaine.
19. We have data on drug-related deaths in the USA (drug overdoses). Those data are different now than a decade ago. Currently, the kind of drug causing the most death is ____.
a. LSD b. cocaine c. opioids d. antidepressants e. methamphetamine
20. A salient psychodynamic effect of cocaine is ____.
a. it releases dopamine from the presynaptic neurons in the accumbens n.
b. it blocks re-uptake of dopamine at relevant synapses
c. it increases production of dopamine
d. facilitates the enzymatic destruction of dopamine in the synapse
e. it blocks the metabolism of dopamine by interfering with the enzymes that usually degrade dopamine
21. Morphine is to methadone as naloxone is to ____.
a. amphetamine b. methamphetamine c. naltrexone d. oxycodone
22. Is it difficult to get rats to press a lever to inject themselves (by way of a chronically indwelling cannula) with doses of addictive drugs such as cocaine and heroin?
a. Yes, it is nearly impossible. A few experimenters claim that they have done so after many hours of training.
b. Yes, for cocaine. No for heroin.
c. Actually no, if the doses for each lever-press are not excessively large or small.
If the following drugs are agonists at the opioid receptor, mark a. If they are not agonists, make b.
23. morphine a 24. naloxone b 25. naltrexone b 26. XR-NTX b 27. THC b
28. Valium b 29. dopamine b 30. serotonin b 31. oxycodone a 32. methadone a
33. Some years ago, the consensus expressed in texts such as yours was that antidepressant medications were far more effective than placebos in relieving depression. Further investigation ___.
a. reveals that the improvement in symptoms is much less than previously supposed based on published data in medical journals
b. confirms those initial impressions and finds that the effects are long-lasting as long as the medicines are continued
c. confirms those initial impressions and finds that the effects are long-lasting even after the medicines are discontinued
34. Librium (chlordiazepoxide) and Valium (diazepam) were the first widely sold ____. a. benzodiazepines b. barbiturates c. methaqualones d. psychomotor stimulants
35. When reporting on stages of sleep, REM signifies ___.
a. rapid eye movement b. relatively energized movement c. time of remembering
36. A problem with available anti-schizophrenia medications is that they ___.
a. are addictive
b. produce side-effects that lead patients to stop taking them
37. Is it true “drugs have become by far the most common form of treatment for a wide variety of mental disorders from attention deficit disorder to schizophrenia”? (15th p. 167)
a. Yes, that is what the text says.
b. No way, psychotherapy must be the most common form of treatment.
38. Is it true that dietary supplements are not regulated in the same way as drugs? For example, they do not have to be proven safe and effective before they are marketed? (15th, p 60)
a. Yes, it is true. b. No, it is not true, they have to be proven safe.
39. Can it possibly be true, that the USA now has a greater proportion of its own citizens in prisons than does any other country?
a. Yes, it is apparently true.
b. No, it cannot be true. Think about those ruthless dictatorships!
40. ____ is the most common type of drug overdose death. (14th, p 121)
a. Major breaks in large arteries within the trunk
b. Respiratory depression
c. Stroke
d. Seizures, which often lead to choking on vomit and suffocating to death,
41. True or false, most nations do not allow the advertising for prescription drugs, but the USA does allow such? a. true b. false
42. If there is such a thing as a universal excitatory neurotransmitter for brain, it would be ___.
a. GABA b. glutamate c. norepinephrine d. Ach
43. What is the scientifically derived theory supporting the use of neuro-active drugs as medicines for mental disorders?
a. The drugs restore an imbalance in major neurotransmitters.
b. The drugs repair a genetic deviation from normal that produces problems for which the drugs remedy.
c. They repair deviations in the control mechanism for normal circadian rhythms.
d. None of the previous choices are supported by well-established scientific research. Basically, there is no scientifically derived germane theory, but merely inferences from limited numbers of potentially supportive bits of research.
44. All drugs of interest for this course of study are eliminated from the body across some relatively short period of time (min, hours, or days, but usually not weeks or months and not years). Sometimes they are eliminated without being changed. Often, however, they are broken down (metabolized) and the products of that breakdown (metabolites) are excreted. The major site for the metabolism of drugs is the ___.