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Phil 170 - Bhagavadgita Paper

Autor:   •  February 4, 2019  •  871 Words (4 Pages)  •  674 Views

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The only reason why it seems that we are stuck in Samsara is because we falsely identify with the jiva and not with atman (Schweig, 85). This causes us to be ignorant of who we truly are and keeps us bound in Samsara. So if we identify with our atman and realize that the atman never commits an action we would not point away from moksa nor enter into Samsara (Schweig, 85). Also, the atman is not different than Bruhaman, meaning that the true Self and the ultimate are one of the same or Bruhaman is in everyone because everyone has an atman (Schweig, 84-85). This allows us to reach Bruhaman and by doing so would never enter into Samsara, that is the ultimate goal. This refutes what the Gītā was teaching through the four yogas to be liberated from Samsara and instead if you reach your atman you will never enter Samsara.


The paradox of action is that all action keeps us stuck in Samsara (Schweig, 64). The Gītā explains that not all action will keep us in Samsara, but that the liberating actions can break us free (Schweig, 65). The four yogas are the liberating actions and through them we can all reach Bruhaman (Schweig, 85). The best objection to this proposal is the Gītā’s own teaching with inaction in action (Schweig, 66). With this, by accepting the atman, that it is Bruhaman and understanding that it never enters Samsara means that we will never enter Samsara ourselves (Schweig, 84).


Work Cited

Schweig, Graham M. Bhagavadgītā. Harper One. 2007


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