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Aristotle’s Understanding of Happiness

Autor:   •  July 1, 2018  •  Essay  •  942 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,538 Views

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Intro to Philosophy

Final Reflection Paper

3. Discuss at length Aristotle’s understanding of happiness. What is it? How does it relate to the life choice of each person? Where do sophrosyne, effort and excellence figure in to happiness? How does happiness influence the rest of your life? Note: the discussion of happiness in the text is more than enough information to support your essay.

“He is happy who lives in accordance with complete virtue and is sufficiently equipped

with external goods, not for some chance period but throughout a complete life.” Aristotle spent years trying to find the ultimate purpose of human existence and the goal people should strive for. According to Nicomachean Ethics, happiness is the virtuous activity of the soul in accordance with reason, meaning having abilities and emotional tendencies that allow us to fulfill our goals in life. In this paper, I plan to discuss Aristotle’s understanding of happiness and how it relates to the contemporary view of being happy.

        To explain happiness, the philosopher first discusses how human beings are different from other forms of life, such as animals, plants and minerals. Human beings can use reasoning and rational capacity, so we can live a life that is qualitatively different in kind from other creatures. Since happiness is action according to a reason, only human being can be considered happy. A greek word eudaimonia, often translated as happiness means “the state of having a good indwelling spirit, a good genius”. For Aristotle, happiness did not have much to do with pleasure and feelings. Rather, it was about thriving of the soul, not body. Another important concept to understand is that he looked at happiness as activity, unlike some people view it as a state. activity of the soul in accordance with virtue. There are two types of virtues: intellectual virtues that involve the rational part of the soul and moral virtues which concern having the passions under the rational control. Aristotle argued the virtue is achieved through maintaining the mean, meaning the balance between the extremes of excess and deficiency. Health, wealth, knowledge, family, friends all lead to the perfect of the human nature and enrichment of our life. Developing of a moral character is essential to becoming happy, as having the will to do something challenging helps to succeed. Intellectual contemplation is required to live a truly happy life. The ultimate reflection of human nature is rational reflection. It means being intellectually curious to perpetuate the natural wonder that began in childhood. Education helps to cultivate the character and involves theoretical and practical components. Another virtue that Aristotle views a very important is friendship, based on one person wishing the best for their friends regardless of utility or pleasure. Since friendship combines pleasure and virtue together, it fulfills our emotional and intellectual virtues.


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