Aristotle Essay
Autor: Maryam • November 9, 2017 • 667 Words (3 Pages) • 961 Views
components of the soul. The rational component, which is the first component of the soul, controls individual’s irrational tendencies. On the other hand, the irrational component, which is shared with animals, is the vegetative capability, which is responsible for nutrition and growth. He believed that happiness is the activity of the soul in accordance with virtue. The first virtue, which is a result of instruction, is intellectual virtue. Intellectual virtue is meant to help an individual with achieving the truth. The second virtue, which is the result of practice, is moral or practical virtue. The goal of this virtue is to perfect an individuals human conduct.
Lastly, Aristotle mentions the importance of the golden mean. The golden mean is the perfect balance between two extremes. For example, courage is the middle between an excess of deficiency (cowardice) and the other excess (reckless). A coward would be a soldier who runs away from the field of battle and a reckless warrior would be a man who launched oneself into one hundred opposing soldiers. The golden mean, depending on the situation, is not the exact mathematical middle of the two extremes. It applies only to moral virtues and is the agents’ call. Aristotle believed that the golden mean was not a matter of moral relativism, but a way to moral perfection. He wanted people to realize that both extremes are negative and must use reason to determine the mean. The importance of the golden mean is that it acknowledges the balances that are needed in everyday life to be happy.