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Community Meeting Review for Hesperia City Council

Autor:   •  January 2, 2018  •  1,232 Words (5 Pages)  •  655 Views

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Going to this city council meeting changed my impression of government in a good way. Going to a council meeting and seeing how much work and dedication they put in their role is admiring, because it is definitely not an easy job and takes much patience. There are many things that the public is always asking for to be changed and completed, but to actually go through with these different projects takes many different approvals from different organizations. The local neighborhood of Hesperia was represented very well at the Hesperia city council. For example, every official that was present took a moment to present their thoughts of how they can better Hesperia, and took a moment to appreciate the local neighborhood. Every official came in with great vibes, and really took the opportunity to welcome and thank the audience for support. Although given the tight economic times, there were no budget decisions made at that particular meeting.

I would say, my personal experience with local politics did have a similar relation to my perspective on national politics for many examples, such as, agendas and the particular organization things were done, and arranged. Although, in my personal opinion, I think the local politics are more effective on a personable perspective, rather than national politics. For example, the meeting I attended provided things that I can do to help the community that I live in, and the Hesperia city council wants to help the public with things that effect the public personally, such as, weight loss and nutrient classes. As for national politics, many of the public don’t know what’s going on, unless they take the time and effort to ask and look. Another thing I noticed is the public doesn’t have an opportunity to communicate with the national politics. For example, local politics give you the opportunity to communicate with a comment card, and this is another reason why I think local politics are more effective, because like I said they give you an opportunity to communicate and be heard. The health and weight loss challenge is what I thought was most interesting, because I didn’t think that organizations such as the Hesperia city council would put time effort, and thought in the heath of the public, so by providing this great healthy, life changing opportunity for the public was surprising to me.


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