Women's Rights
Autor: goude2017 • September 23, 2017 • 1,117 Words (5 Pages) • 1,074 Views
Furthermore, women were overpowered by the men in politics. Undoubtedly, with over 200 years of history our nation’s past suggests that voters have been prejudiced against women in politics. All of America's 44 presidents and 47 vice presidents have been men. Women did not hold high level elected positions in office until the 20th century. Eventually with changes of women in society, women began to become involved in the government and advanced women’s rights on both the state level and federal levels. Now today a number of women have been elected to be mayors, governors, and in Congress. As women continue to climb up the political ladder it is now easier for women to obtain higher ranking positions within the United States government.
Due to the inequalities faced by women in American society, women's advocates across the country formed in an attempt to give women the rights they deserve and have helped to allow the women of today the ability to partake in freedoms that they once did not have. As a result, women in the 21st century have the right to vote, to pursue an education and to choose a career of their choice. Women's roles in society have progressed and allows women more opportunities to act as a significant part in society. Although, women have achieved notable legal rights, there is still much to be done, as women still lack complete political, economic, and social equality with men.
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