Transformational, Transactional and Laissez-Faire Leadership
Autor: Humberto Becerra • April 6, 2019 • Essay • 1,113 Words (5 Pages) • 4,445 Views
Transformational, Transactional and Laissez-faire Leadership
Teresita Garcia
Our Lady of the Lake University
Leadership comes in many different forms and styles. It all depends on what type of goal every individual has and how much effort they’re willing to input in order to achieve it. One of the most well-known and current styles to leadership that has been the focus of much research since the early 1980’s is known as the transformational leadership approach (Northouse, 2016). This type of leadership has been used by many recognized individuals throughout history serving their leadership techniques. Transformational leadership is described as giving followers the inspiration to transform and create positive visions in which will aid the follower/organization to pursue future success. This type of leadership tends to display attention to the emotional and charismatic fundamentals of leadership. According to Northouse, an analysis of articles displayed by Leadership quarterly, found that about one third of research in this world is all about transformational leadership approach. Reason why I believe that this type of leadership is the most effective compared to other leadership styles mentioned throughout this essay. Transformational leadership involves with evaluating a followers’ motivations and making sure followers are going through the right path with the best intention. This leadership style is a process in which leaders must ensure that their followers are receiving the type of enthusiasm they need for them to reach more than what is generally expected from them. This leads to individuals making their lives more effective and attempt to help others apply an effective change in their everyday lives.
Leadership is a significant aspect to successful organizations and ensures that leaders have developed great leadership skills to display a great example in an association. Transactional leadership refers to much of leadership model, which emphases on the exchanges that happen between leaders and followers (Northouse, 2016). In addition, transactional leaders focus on short term goals, opposed to change and thrive to follow directions along with performing duties the way they are supposed to be done. They focus more on their followers following the guidelines and procedures of the organization to increase productivity. Transactional leaders expect their followers to have characteristics such as determination to achieve a goal, and the expectancy of reward if the objective is obtained. Therefore, liable rewards by the transactional leader makes the followers intensify their efforts to achieve a certain goal. Transactional leaders have positions and the authority of duties within an association. This type of leader is hold accountable for sustaining daily duties by handling individual performance and enabling group performance. This type of leadership portrays a process in which a leader rewards a follower in return for showing effort and great performance in a situation.
According to Northouse, Burns distinguished between two types of leadership: transactional and transformational. It states that transactional leadership mainly refers to the focusing on the relations between the leader and its followers. Burns gives an example of politicians who win votes by promising “no new taxes” in which represents a transactional leadership. Likewise, managers who are offered certain promotions to employee who exceed their objectives is considered transactional leadership. Since transactional leaders expect for their followers to have expectancy of a reward if the objective is obtained, a great example could be teachers giving their students a grade for completing their assignment. This demonstrates the teacher being transactional in giving the reward to the students after the goal established is achieved. In contrast to transactional leadership, transformational leadership is the process whereby an individual interacts with others and generates a connection that increases the level of morality and motivation in both the leader and the follower (Northouse, 2016). Although, there are some similarities and differences between transformational and transactional leadership. Both types of leadership involve the leader and the follower wanting to accomplish the organizations goal desired, both styles are considered inspirational, and they both have goals in mind to achieve and benefit the organization. However, some differences between these two leadership styles is that transactional leadership utilizes punishments and rewards to recruit followers where as transformational leadership the leader utilizes their charisma and eagerness to influence the followers.