Examining the Influence of Transformational and Transactional
Autor: Joshua • October 12, 2018 • 3,884 Words (16 Pages) • 749 Views
subordinate job stress. However, most of these
studies were conducted in western countries, making it important to replicate it in the Ghanaian context because
culture plays an important role in leadership behaviours (Jing & Avery, 2008). Particularly, this study focuses on
employees in the Ghanaian banking sector to determine how the leadership behaviours exhibited by managers
contribute to employees perceived job stress.
2. Theoretical Review
2.1 Transformational Leadership
Burns (1978) was the first author to introduce the concept of transformational and transactional leaderships.
Later, Bass (1985) developed and extended Burns’ theory of transformational and transactional leaderships.
Burns (1978) defined transformational leadership as a process where, “one or more persons engage with others
in such a way that leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality”. In
transformational leadership, followers identify themselves with the leader, share the leader’s vision of the future,
and altruistically work hard to achieve determined goals. Transformational leadership believes in collective
effort, thereby emphasizing group work as the best way to achieving organisational goals. Transformational
leaders create and emphasize a unified and supportive workplace that leads to shared objectives. According to
Bass, Avolio and Goldheim (1987), transformational leaders increase the confidence, motivation and satisfaction
of group members by fostering unity among the members. In addition, transformational leaders help followers to
identify and develop their potentials as they encourage, support and inspire followers particularly through
challenges. According to Bass and Avolio (1997), transformational leaders inspire and encourage their followers
to the extent that the followers see challenges as opportunities and the leaders cooperate and work with them to
overcome these challenges at the workplace. These leaders recognize employees as knowledgeable who can
intellectually contribute to solving some of organisations’ problem. Hence, transformational leaders share a
significant degree of decision-making power with their employees. Ahmed and Sadiq (2008) asserted that trust
plays a substantial role in transformational leadership because of the mutual co-operation and reliance found
between leaders and subordinates.
Bass (1990) acknowledged four types of transformational leadership behaviours to include idealized influence,
inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration. Leaders with idealized influence
are admired and respected by followers. Such leaders are believed to have referent power or charisma that pulls
followers along. Transformational leaders have vision and a sense of mission, instill pride in and among the
group, gain respect and trust from followers, sacrifice their personal gains for the benefits of the group, set
personal example for followers, and demonstrate high ethical standards (Bass, 1985; Humphreys & Einstein,
2003). Through inspirational motivation, transformational leaders create and present an attractive vision of the
future, use symbols and emotional influences, and demonstrate confidence and eagerness (Kark, Shamir, & Chen,
2003). Thus, transformational leaders talk optimistically about the future, talk enthusiastically about what needs
to be accomplished, articulate a compelling vision for the future and expresses confidence that goals will be
achieved (Bass & Avolio, 2004). According to Bass (1985), transformational leadership through intellectual
stimulation provides followers with challenging new ideas and encourages them to view and handle problems
from a fresh perspective. Such leaders do not accept things as they are; rather they challenge the status quo,
beliefs and values, and encourage followers’ to do same. With the individualized consideration such leaders
coach, support and encourage subordinates. Bass and Avolio (1994) stated that transformational leaders teach
and help followers to develop their strengths, and listen attentively to the concerns of followers.
2.2 Transactional Leadership
Transactional leaders reward or discipline followers with regards to their performance. Yukl (1981) viewed
transactional leadership as an exchange process in which both the leader and the follower influence each other
reciprocally so that they both derive something of value. Bass (1985, p. 14) indicated that transactional leaders
“pursue a cost-benefit, economic exchange to meet subordinates’ current material and psychic needs in return for
contracted services”. Also, he argued that leaders’ promise of rewards and benefits to followers influence the
followers to perform tasks and achieve predetermined goals (Bass, 1990). Transactional leaders believe that task
completion is premised on exchange of desirable reward to followers. Kellerman (1984) described the exchange
www.ccsenet.org/ijbm International Journal of Business and Management Vol. 10, No. 8; 2015