The Meaning of Courage
Autor: Sharon • February 6, 2018 • 1,017 Words (5 Pages) • 690 Views
For many, courage might be something they wish to obtain not for their own good because they already have self-fulfillment, but to impress others. For instance, one can be completely contempt with their life, but notices that they can’t start a conversation with others or talk back when picked on; which makes them look inferior due to lack of self-courage. To stop people from seeing them as a weak person, they might toughen up to feel more in the crown and normal; which in turn would show others that they have finally built courage and would gain respect from others. At the same time, courage is not something one can assert them self retaining just by expressing it; it has to be earned through hard work and clear cut examples that show others and more importantly prove it to the actual person which is gaining or loosing courage.
One can also possess moral courage, when they do the right thing because it's right, not for the reason of all the benefits they can get a hold of like fame and fortune. It can be when they do something because they know it is right even if they have to sacrifice their own body and get hurt. For example, as children if an individual notices their best friend is always getting bullied on because he is small, they can help defend their friend by sticking up for him and taking on the bullied, even if it means that they might get hurt in the process. Everyone should use moral courage because it helps people get out of situations and it will lead to much self-fulfillment in the end.
Thus, courage is very obtainable; it just requires an individual to have the right mindset and not let any roadblocks to hault the journey. Courage is a high intellectual attainment due to brilliant brain capacity. It does not depend on stature, physical power, rank, condition in life, wealth, heredity, or sex. Once a goal is accomplished, it will build courage and in turn will improve one’s self-being. The term courage can be used to describe various aspects, but mainly how it pertains to an individual and if they have courage. One can have courage and not even know it, while another individual can believe they have all the courage in the world but in reality have none. Once acquired, courage will show, it doesn’t need effort to show; it’s all based on how the person lets their emotions and feelings represent who they are. Courage is like a muscle; the more we exercise it, the stronger it gets.