Into the Wild Character Analysis
Autor: Sara17 • January 12, 2019 • 960 Words (4 Pages) • 752 Views
to do. He wanted to learn for himself with everything he did but in order to learn, we learn from each other, learn off the knowledge of other individuals and grow. He brought a book with him to help guide him but in the end it ended up confusing him on what foods were okay to eat and what foods were not okay to eat. Although Chris wanted to test his abilities because he was so persistent that he’d survive, he gave advice to Ronald Franz on how to live his life. Franz is 86 years old he lived a long wise life. Therefore when Chris tried telling him how to live his life it sounded very arrogant, that was his perspective of life but Franz being 86 isn’t going to travel in the wild unprepared.
Chris was seen as inconsiderate to his family, who he supposedly loved. Chris not wanting to tell his family or anyone where he was was very immature of him, he never bothered to inform his family where he was going nor how he was doing. Although he was upset about his dad holding down to households and his mother knowing his father was cheating and his parents lying about the situation, he was hurt. He left with no reasonable explanation, just woke up one day packed his things and went on his way. His journey was to clear his mind and to get away from society rules and the standards. Chris clearly didn’t want any relationship with any person getting in the way of him discovering his true self. He had followed society’s rules and guidelines long enough. His decision to exclude his parents from his plans wasn’t to hurt them, but to be able to be able to better himself and finally find his own happiness- not the happiness others tried to force upon him.
The life of Chris McCandless has inspired many people’s lives, Although he died he lived his life to the fullest, what he considered the fullest. The risks he took to accomplish his happiness was extraordinary, in the end the journey cost his life but he accomplished what he went out to accomplish which was traveling and making it to Alaska. So he should be considered admirable for the courage he had to drop everything and begin this journey but the execution of the journey was unprepared, arrogant and inconsiderate.