A Self-Reflective Essay to the Safe Schools Program
Autor: goude2017 • December 31, 2018 • 1,478 Words (6 Pages) • 809 Views
“Teachers must actualize their leadership potential. Teacher leaders effectively working for social justice may be seen as those who keep their sense of purpose alive and who are reflective and action oriented; they know themselves and accept responsibility for student learning, and they are not silenced by those around them” (Lambert, 2003). As a teacher of Business Studies, the SSP lesson plans may not be directly applicable but core elements can still be adopted. This can range from tokenistic efforts such as the placements of posters to more conscious efforts such as not assuming everyone is straight, knowing that everyone is different, promptly addressing negative comments/behaviour and addressing students by their preferred name. Outside the classroom, I hope to be an active member of the wider school community, spending time within the wellbeing centre and with efforts such as breakfast or homework clubs. I personally believe that having a safe, open learning environment is imperative and can be achieved by having respect, building meaningful relationships and communicating honestly with students. A student who feels safe and secure will not only excel in their studies at school, but also in their ability to find their true self and their own path in this world that we all share.
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