Medical Marijuana Research Paper
Autor: Joshua • January 23, 2018 • 1,092 Words (5 Pages) • 736 Views
Patients like Charlotte that are very young and shouldn’t be experiencing marijuana at such a young age, should still have the access to the treatment, as she did. But this got people thinking, what if we took out the compounds that helped her get better and made them into pills taking away all the effects of smoking marijuana. In the article “Is Marijuana Medicine? Questions Remain” it weighs the pros and cons of marijuana and whether or not you think it should be used as a medicine is your choice to believe. With the diseases it helps, to me I think it is a useful drug. People with eating problems like anorexia have trouble gaining weight, and suffer from severe appetite and weight loss. People with HIV use marijuana to treat appetite loss so they are able to eat and get nutrients needed to stay healthy. They suffer from muscle wasting smoking gives them the appetite to eat and gain weight to turn into muscle. It helps cancer patients recover from during chemotherapy. They have constant nausea and appetite loss from the treatment and it helps relieve them of these symptoms. Although it helps these things, it has its downsides. Every medicine has its downside “While marijuana appears to have some benefits, research shows that clear harms are associated with its chronic use. It may worsen anxiety and depression, induce psychosis, and cause cognitive difficulties because of its effects on the brain. Cognitive effects are especially worrisome in adolescents and young adults whose brains are still developing. Chronic users trying to stop may also experience withdrawal symptoms, much like those of nicotine withdrawal”. Use in moderation is key when it comes to marijuana much like painkillers and anxiety medicine. It is addictive but is proven to work if prescribed to the right sickness disability or injury.
When it comes to marijuana being a medicine some people think it is absurd and doesn’t work. Studies have shown that it does indeed work. Even though it has its negative effects it can help you get better in the right situation. It has been proven through treatments and trails of people with problems. It has worked for certain people, and should definitely continue to be used as a medicine, along with recreational use as well. Marijuana has a positive effect on life along with medicine and should be legal to everyone not just patients. But all in all marijuana as a medicine is a good thing and should continue to be perfected throughout the future.