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It All Starts with a Mask - Simple Story

Autor:   •  October 1, 2017  •  1,170 Words (5 Pages)  •  799 Views

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them what they want. “ The kid looks back at me fire in his eyes and strength in his voice. “No! I’m going to show these guys that they CAN’T do whatever they want. Bulling is WRONG!! It ruins lives!!! I’m going to be a hero for stopping bulling, and showing these bad guys who’s boss!! “Behind me, the three jocks are roaring with laughter. I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

You don’t want bulling to end, you simply want to be regarded as a hero and stop getting hurt. Pathetic. Disgusting people like you are useless to society, pretending and using justice to gain power. Ultimately becoming the very villain you overcame yourself. You’re a hypocrite and you deserve what these people are doing to you.

That’s what I want to say. Instead I close my eyes sighing, then slightly crouch matching his height, considering I’m about a foot taller than him. I look him in the eye and light grab his arm, just above his elbow. I did this because makes him trust me 73 % more on a sub conscious level. I make my face look kind by softening my muscles and slightly lifting my eyebrows, inclining my head downwards to emit more of an elderly-wise aura. “If you want to be a hero, and stop bulling, then you have to endure this and submit. Did spider-man kick Flash Thompson’s ass right away ? Of course not. Besides, this would be a good story to tell your subordinates one day, when they ask you if you were ever bullied.” I can see the gears in his head turning, based on his dilating pupils, until he finally speaks, softly and weakly. “Okay.” I smile back at him convincingly, yet fakely, he was an idiot.

“Okay! “ he opens up his wallet and I see a hundred dollar bill and two twenties. I take a hundred and twenty, leaving him a twenty bucks. I wink at him and he winks back. Quickly and professionally, I slip the twenty up my jacket sleve. Pinning it on my watch. And I hand the hundred to the jocks. “thanks “ The leader says, grinning and taking the money. I grin back, “No problem “

I get back on my way to lunch after the short encounter. A Short raven-haired girl with a purple highlight smiles upon seeing me, looking cute with her short-shorts and over-sized sweater, of which the sleeves reach past her hands. She skips towards me, her bangs, which normally covers her left eye bounce due to the motion. She smile at me, her dark blue eyes glittering, staring into my black ones. She hugs me and I feel her medium sized chest press against mine. Momentarily causing my heart rate to increase, I get it under control though. She pulls back and pokes my chest, pouting in the cutest way imaginable. “You’re late.“ she exclaims. I chuckle and peck her lips. “I’ll buy you pizza to make up for it.“ I smile, pulling out my recently acquired money. She smiles and jumps on my back, and I carry her to the cafeteria. This is my girlfriend; Audrey. Just then I get the feeling someone’s watching me. I look to a nearby window to see a shadowy figure receding. I shrug and move along.

I am Ben, I could have just beat up the jocks and taken the money myself. After all, I studied MMA since I was twelve. But that’s a waste of time. I use intelligence, wisdom, deception, trickery and psychological warfare to get ahead of the rest. It got me into such a comfortable position in life, but I had no Idea what it would get me into next.


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