Imigration Research Paper
Autor: Maryam • December 29, 2017 • 1,386 Words (6 Pages) • 582 Views
disadvantages of Immigration
Negative impact on countries of origin
There are often disadvantages for the home countries, because of the targeted recruitment of well-trained workers and skilled labor. Especially when workers immigrate to industrial countries. In the country of origin of the immigrant is then a lack of this ability. The industrial counties compete for skilled employees as to compensate their own skills shortage.
Integration difficulties
Complications can be also in the countries of immigration. Just when many people immigrates from one country and all form a kind of metropolitan areas with a high immigrant population. There is a high chance of problems with the integration of newcomers, which can turn in social tensions.
Non-skilled workers
Mainly non-skilled workers are needed that can have further negative consequences. Given that immigrants are usually willing to take on low paid work and hard work. Often this sort of work do not require high qualifications because of that immigrants are the competition for local low-skilled workers who do not have a big chance on the labor market.
advantages of Immigration
financial support for counties of origin
On the one hand side the emigration of skilled labor for the home countries of immigrants can indeed have disadvantages, but on the other hand side they often support the families they have left behind financially. In this case immigration can be a significant economic factor for their home countries.
Job vacancies can be ended
Furthermore, immigrant workers can replace missing workers in the host countries, thereby stabilizing leaking sectors and social systems. At the same time, the immigration of cheaper workers can be used as a growth engine for the economy of the host country.
shared values
Through Immigration cultural values are shared by people from contrasting nations. It leads to an exchange of skills and know-how between different countries. People can interact with people from other countries. It helps the people of different backgrounds to come together and understand their views and learn from each other.
globalized world
An open and global market can be caused by Immigration. There is a global way of looking at economic and social development of society if people have different backgrounds. Economic growth comes with new opportunities in career and education, which is offered by a new host country. Supporters of immigration believe that immigration help to have a more globalized world.
Resent study of the Bertelsmann foundation
A new study from the Bertelsmann foundation has detected that immigrants cost the German government less than the immigrants receive from the state.
There is almost a surplus of € 22 billion a year, that means every immigrant generate a surplus of € 3.300 per capita. (4) Admitting that the average tax payments of the locals are higher but nearly 67 per cent of foreigners were net contributors, compared to just 60 per cent for Germans. (5)
This could be even higher if the immigrants who adopted German citizenship would have been taken into account. According to the study of the Bertelsmann foundation Germany could benefit even more if the education and skill levels of immigrants would increases.
Taking all the information in account it is shown that immigration can beneficial many sectors. It is in the case of Germany as a host country economical beneficial as well for the countries of origin. But it is necessary to protect the rights of immigrants as well to support the immigrants. Only if the government provides a good structure for immigrants the success will continue further. Especially in Germany´s case it is important to have more, young and skilled immigrants. Otherwise the ageing of the population of Germany cannot be stopped. It is obvious that immigration provoke social cultural tensions, this needs to be recognized and solved in the future. It is essential that the immigrants get promoted by education and language curses this will help the immigrants to integrate and less tension will exist. It is crucial for Germany that it stays attractive for skilled immigrants to remain and even generate more economic benefits.
Immigration brings peoples together culturally and help others to understand different cultures. Countries has been developed offer years and it will develop in the future again with immigrants and a more multi-cultural influence.
Therefore the government need to invest in immigration so a country can go in the future with even more and better roots.
1. [Online] [Cited: 08 12 2014.]
2. Chiswick, Barry R. The employment of immigrants in the United States. Washington : American Enterprise Institute, 1982.
3. [Online] [Cited: 07 12 2014.]
4. Bonin, Holger. Der Beitrag